Project type: EUREKA-Cluster
Project title: REȚEA IOT DE SENZORI PORTABILI PENTRU SIGURANȚA MUNCII ÎN MEDII INDUSTRIALE PERICULOASE/Wearable IoT Network Solution for Work Safety in Hazardous Industrial Environments
Acronym: WINS@HI
Deposit code: PN-III-P3-3.5-EUK-2017-02-0038
The total value of the budget: 1.840.560,00 Lei
The total value of the contract: 2.772.970,00 Lei
The total value of the co-founding: 932.410,00 Lei
The start date of the contract: 03/11/2017
The end date of the contract: 31/05/2020 (31 months)
The end date of the project: 31/05/2023 (67 months)
Project code: E!9870
Contract: 96/2017
Contracting Authority: UEFISCDI
Coordinator: ALTFACTOR S.R.L.
Partner: BEIA Consult International
Project Director (coordinator): Dipl. Eng., PhD Carmen Rusu, +40 236407030,
Project Director (partner): Dr. Ing. George Suciu
Despite the prevalence of on-going scientific and technical efforts in connecting anything everywhere in the mobile communication research landscape, there are still needs of agile and reliable solutions in the local area where no mobile communication like GSM/UMTS is available or where local radio network such as Wi-Fi is not suitable.
In this project, we offer an ad hoc, agile and reliable communication solution for both condition monitoring of the operations and safety of the workers in hazardous ‘Industry 4.0’ work environments in order to prevent unpredictable operation failures and work accidents. For this purpose, different kinds of Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensors, such as wearable devices, that capture data from work environment and vital parameters of work safety will be exploited which could extract the maximum amount of information from the hazardous production sites.
The proposed solution will focus on underground coal mines and tunnel/underground transportation construction sites as the main application field of these work environments are very good examples of hostile ‘Industry 4.0’ production sites where radio communication is very challenging. Therefore, safety and operation management in mines will be improved and mine accident risks will be evaluated more accurately owing to wearable sensors that collect information such as vibration and heat from mining equipment as well as gases like methane, firedamp and carbon monoxide from mine galleries. These sensors will also enable failure prediction for continuous operation, tracking of health status and physical location of workers which will guide search and rescue units in case of emergency.
Handling issues as the interoperability of IoT sensors, real-time complex event processing for event recognition and generation of new digital services will be addressed. Localization and tracking of the monitored objects or workers in such hostile environments using an ad hoc method will be a key component of our solution.
Moreover, the end to end outworked solution will focus on real-time-ability, quality, and reliability of the communication links but also on low energy consumption using energy harvesting technologies. Last but not least, the proposed solution will avoid cost-intensive installation efforts and will be easily deployed.
Phase I – Analysis of the context and user requirements consists of the following activities:
Activity 1.1 – Analysis of the context and State of The Art
Activity 1.2 – Analysis of the specific requirements and the system architecture
Phase description
Phase I of the project started on November 3rd, 2017 and ended on the 31st of December 2017, and delivered one market study and one research report.
Phase I provided the basis of WINS@HI project through the hazardous environments risks analysis, which further derived in a list of specifications and requirements to be integrated into the system architecture.
The results achieved within phase I have been disseminated in the following events:
- participation in the Research and Innovation Show, organized by the “Dunărea de Jos” University in Galați, on October 19-20, 2017. During the event was presented the poster “Wearable IoT Network Solution for Work Safety in Hazardous Industrial Environments” – WINS@HI – elaborated by the members of the research teams of the coordinator and partner P1. The poster presented the project proposal PN-III-P3-3.5-EUK-2017-02-0038;
- participation with the presentation of the “IoT sensor network for hazardous industrial environments in the perspective of Industry 4.0” / “IoT Network Solution for Hazardous Industrial Environments for Industry 4.0” within the Workshop “Industry 4.0. Intelligent technologies and materials”, organized by the Center of Technological Engineering Research in Machine Construction – ITCM and Center for Advanced Research in Welding – SUDAV within the “Dunărea de Jos” University in Galaţi, in collaboration with the Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies MODTECH in Iasi, on December 21, 2019 at Faculty of Engineering – Department of Manufacturing Engineering at the “Dunărea de Jos” University in Galaţi.
Phase II – Definition of the portable sensors network
Activity 2.1 – Analysis of the functional and non-functional requirements of the portable sensors
Activity 2.2 – Development of the model for software installation on objects (correlated with T3.2 and 3.3)
Activity 2.3 – Defining the communication protocols and the data acquisition platform
Activity 2.4 – Integration and experimentation of the solution using portable sensors
Phase description
Phase II of the project started on January 1st, 2018 and ended on July 31st, 2018, and provided three research reports and one testing report.
- Within Phase II, was advanced the system functional and non-functional requirements, and also the communication protocol between the devices within the WINS@HI solution was defined and selected an open communication protocol, MQTT. Phase II also delivered a testing report based on the experimentation of the portable sensors.
- To ensure the promotion of the project and to facilitate the exploitation of the results, a series of dissemination activities were carried out. Two articles were published in the volumes of prestigious conferences (SGEM 2018 and Air and Water Conference). Also, a poster was presented and communication was made at international conferences.
- The dissemination activity was also aimed at promoting the project within important networking events such as CELTIC Plus 2018 and CEBIT 2018, but also by participating in related events to attract the interest of potential customers of the platform (DrupalHackCamp, PRIA IT&C, IoT WEEK, Libelium IoT).
Phase III – Design of a wireless communication system in hazardous working environments
Activity 3.1 – Defining the software and hardware system
Activity 3.2 – Projection of the simulation models
Phase description
Phase III of the project started on August 1st, 2018 and ended on December 31st, 2018, and provided one research reports and one experimental model.
- An analysis of the communication technologies for the implementation of the network infrastructure within the underground transportation pilot. Also, have been presented the remote sensing equipment, their installation at the pilot location, and the test processes required to advance with the network installation plan. It was also developed a model to simulate the values of the pollutants concentrations; the simulation models were based on the monitored parameters at the communication center.
- To ensure the promotion of the latest project results and to facilitate their exploitation, a series of dissemination activities were carried out: participation at EUC 2018 conference, participation at SIITME 2018 conference, RO-LCG 2019 conference.
- The dissemination activity was also aimed at promoting the project within important networking events or exibitions such as IMWORLD 2018.
Phase IV – Validation of the simulation models, data analysis, events monitoring and management
Activity 4.1 – Validation of the simulation models
Activity 4.2 – Development, integration, and experimentation of the sensor network
Activity 4.3 – Defining a common working environment
Activity 4.4 – Data analysis and software solutions development
Phase description
Phase IV of the project started on January 1st, 2019 and ended on December 31st, 2019, and provided validation of the simulation models, data analysis, events monitoring and management.
The main results achieved in Phase IV of the project are:
- Validation of the models for simulating the values of pollutant concentrations (PM10 and PM2.5) monitored in the communication center from the Străulești metro station, as well as validating the models for simulating the values of the parameters measured in the case study from the industrial environment;
- Integration and experimentation of the sensor network by implementing Gateway IoT components and defining a common framework for integration with the central platform / independent platform;
- Presentation of the main features of the independent HW platform, developed by international partners;
- Experimenting with data analysis methods and developing ML algorithms for estimating air pollutant emissions.
The results achieved within phase IV have been disseminated in the following events: Health and Safety at Work Conference, Innovative Enterprise Week 2019, GioTS 2019, GoTech World.
Phase V – Testing and integration of the developed system
Activity 5.1 – Integration of the system, validation, and evaluation of the system performance
Activity 5.2 – Achievement of the first version of the integrated solution
Activity 5.3 – Elaboration of the performance report of the integrated solution
Activity 5.4 – Final testing of the solution proposed
Activity 5.5 – Dissemination of results
Phase description
Phase V of the project started on January 1st, 2020 and ended on May 31st, 2020, and provided: testing and integration of the developed system.
The results achieved within phase V have been disseminated in the following events: Debate on air quality monitoring networks in Romania, CCW Event, Civic Labs – Environment // Preparation and response in case of earthquake at workplace.
Phase VI – Economic effects reporting
Activity 6.1 – Economic effects reporting
1 June 2020 – 31 May 2021
Phase VII – Economic effects reporting
Activity 7.1 – Economic effects reporting
1 June 2021 – 31 May 2022
Phase VIII- Economic effects reporting
Activity 8.1 – Economic effects reporting
Social Media
Check our Twitter Account here.
Here is a great #interview about #Wins@Hi #project with Karel Slavicek at #EuCNC 2019! @CelticNext @NextelSA @RGO_Proef @EUREKA_NETWORK @beiaconsult
— WINS@HI (@WINSHI_Project) July 22, 2019
- George Suciu, Mihaela Bălănescu, Adrian Pasat, Carmen Nădrag, Cristina Bălăceanu, Răzvan Matei, Andrei Vasilescu, “Design of a decision support system for improving air quality assessment”, CAA 2018, Air and Water Components of the Environment Proceeding, Ed. Universitas Napocensis – Presa Universitara, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Martie 2018, ISSN 2067-743, pp. 221-227
- George Suciu, Mihaela Bălănescu, Carmen Nădrag, Adrian Pasat, Cristina Bălăceanu, “Data acquisition platform for health assessment of the persons working in underground environment”, Congres UMF, București – Romania
- George Suciu, Adrian Pasat, Carmen Nădrag, Mihaela Bălănescu, “Analysis of Wearable Intelligent Devices for Increased Safety in Hazardous Environments”, 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientifc GeoConference SGEM 2018, Conference Proceedings, vol. 18 – Nano, Bio, Green and Space-Technologies for a Sustainable Future, Issue 6.1, DOI 10.5593/sgem2018/6.1, ISSN 1314-2704, ISBN 978-619-7408-50-8, pp. 31-38, 2018
- George Suciu, Maria-Cristina Dițu, Ioana Rogojanu, Teodora Ușurelu, “Energy Performance Analysis using EnergyPlus for an Office Building”, CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference RSEEC 2018.
- George Suciu, Adrian Pasat, Muneeb Anwar, Ioana Rogojanu, Alina Stănoiu, “Big Data Technology for Scientific Applications”, Grid, Cloud & High Performance Computing in Science (RO-LCG 2018).
- George Suciu, Petrache Ana, Elena Olteanu “Low-Power IoT Devices for Measuring Environmental Values”, 2018 IEEE 24th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME).
- George Suciu, Cristina Bălăceanu, Cristian Beceanu, Marius Dobrea, “Weather Monitoring for Predicting Thermal Comfort and Energy Efficiency”, 2018 IEEE 24th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME).
- George Suciu, Alexandru Vulpe, Marius Vochin, Andreea Mitrea, Muneeb Anwar, Hussain Ijaz, “Fading and Wi-Fi Communication analysis using Ekahau Heatmapper”, 16th International Conference on Embedded Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2018).
- George Suciu, Ioana Petre, Adrian Pasat, “Retrieving Health and Environmental Data using secure IoT Cloud platform”, International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications 2018 (ISETC 2018).
- Suciu, G., Balanescu, M., Nadrag, C., Birdici, A., Balaceanu, C. M., Dobrea, M. A., … & Ciobanu, R. I. (2019, September). IoT System for Air Pollutants Assessment in Underground Infrastructures. In Proceedings of the 6th Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (p. 10). ACM.
- Balanescu, M., Suciu, G., Dobrea, M. A., Balaceanu, C., Ciobanu, R. I., Dobre, C., … & Pasat, A. An Algorithm to Improve Data Accuracy of PMs Concentration Measured with IoT Devices.
- Suciu, G., Bălănescu, M., Birdici, A., Orza, O., Pasat, A., Dobrea, M.A., Bălăceanu, C.M. (2020) Assessment of Particulate Matter Concentration in Underground Transport Work Environment. 2020 ”Air and Water – Components of the Environment” Conference Proceedings, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, p. 37-46, DOI: 10.24193/AWC2020_04.
- Badicu, A., Suciu, G., Balanescu, M., Dobrea, M., Birdici, A., Orza, O., & Pasat, A. (2020, May). PMs concentration forecasting using ARIMA algorithm. In 2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation, CCCDI-UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P3-3.5-EUK-2017-02-0038 / ………….
Project Meetings
- WINS@HI CELTIC Project review meeting – 21-23 October 2019
- WINS@HI Celtic MTR – 9th October 2018
- The face-to-face meeting with WINS@HI partners in Prague on 20-21 March 2019
- WINS@HI face-to-face meeting in Bucharest on 5th-6th June 2018
- WINS@HI project kickoff meeting in Porto on 14th February 2018