CITISIM project. Abstract & Main Objective
Lately, the introduction of ICT technologies in our daily tasks has opened up new pathways of cooperation and organization. Our society is evolving towards a new digital era in which citizens will become more and more connected to their surrounding environment. Cities are the core of our society and so they will need to embrace and support this evolution of their citizens. As a consequence of this process and thanks to new technological improvements, a considerable number of research projects and laboratory pilots have been deployed to study how to deal with problems such as traffic, pollution, mobility, energy consumption, etc. A complete digital ecosystem is growing within the smart city concept which has an estimated market worth of $1,134.84 billion by 2019. However, along with the variety of services, technologies and protocols being utilized in smart cities, service development and service deployment in the context of smart city monitoring and control is likely to be problematic for companies, city councils and citizens. The absence of a common platform with advanced services and tools for the smart city is hindering the effective development of the associated ecosystem. This type of ICT platform, also called the e-infrastructure, will be as important a regulator for the future development of cities as energy infrastructure and transport infrastructure have been in past decades.
CitiSim´s project main objective is devoted to the design and implementation of a new generation platform for the smart city ecosystem. This platform will provide a powerful monitoring and control infrastructure to enable planners to make critical management decisions on tactical and strategic levels based on the knowledge provided by the specific platform developed. For a natural interaction and better understanding of the events that happen in the city, 3D visualization techniques as augmented and virtual reality will be explored. CitiSim will provide service developers with a set of services, standards and tools for the development of applications for the smart city.
PROJECT TITLE – Smart City 3D Simulation and Monitoring Platform
ACRONYM – Citisim
Project ID: PN-III-P3-3.5-EUK-2016-0043
Contract: 58/14.06.2017
Project partners:
- Spain:Abalia, Answare, Profevelop, Taiger, UCLM;
- Romania:ALTFACTOR, BEIA Consult International.
Deposit code: PN-III-P3-3.5-EUK-2016-0043
Contract number: 58/14.06.2017
The total value of the budget: 2.099.880,00 Lei
The total value of the contract: 3.071.650,00 Lei
The total value of the co-founding: 971.770,00Lei
The start date of the contract: 14/06/2017
The end date of the contract: 31/12/2019 [31/12/2020 End date of the project]
Contract duration – 31 months
Project duration – 43 months
Coordinator: SC Altfactor SRL
Project manager (coordinator): Dr. Eng. Carmen Catalina Rusu (, 7th Portului St., 800032, Galați, Romania, Tel: +40 752 275 497, Fax: +40 236 407 030)
Project Director (partner): Dr. Eng. George Suciu (, 16 Peroni St., Bucharest, Romania, Tel: +40374104901, Fax: +40213323006)
Project leader: Carlos Jiménez [Abalia]
Project financed by UEFISCDI through the P3 – European and International Cooperation Program
More information on and official project website []
Project’s Phases and Activities
Phase I – Analysis of context and user requirements, Definition of techniques for cognitive monitoring
Activity 1.1 – Analysis of the context and current state of technology
Activity 1.2 – Design of basic services
Activity 1.3 – Analysis of functional and non-functional requirements
Activity 1.4 – Model development for installing software code on objects
Activity 1.5 – Definition of the interfaces and design of the platform architecture
End date – 29.12.2017 / Status – ended
Phase II – Simulation Design
Activity 2.1 – Defining simulation models and services
Activity 2.2 – Design and validation of simulation models
Activity 2.3 – Elaboration, integration and experimentation of simulation services
End date – 30.06.2018 / Status – ended
Phase III – Intelligent service design
Activity 3.1 – Definition of a common framework
Activity 3.2 – Design and development of services
Activity 3.3 – Integration and validation of services
End date – 30.11.2018 / Status – ended
Phase IV – Developing urban models and 3D visualization
Activity 4.1 – Generation of urban models and define 3D viewing
Activity 4.2 – Developing the intelligent urban models as services and data fusion
End date – 30.06.2019
Status – ended
Phase V – Final prototype validation
Activity 5.1 – Defining requirements for reference architecture
Activity 5.2 – Integration of Services for the Demonstrator
Activity 5.3 – Demonstration of the solution and final evaluation
Activity 5.4 – Identifying and protecting intellectual property rights
Activity 5.5 – Dissemination of results
End date – 31.12.2019
Status – ongoing
Phase VI – Reporting of economic effects
End date – 31.12.2020
Status – planned
Phase VII – Reporting of economic effects
End date – 31.12.2020
Status – planned
Phase VIII – Reporting of economic effects
End date – 31.12.2021
Status – planned
- The 6th Global Wireless Summit (GWS -2018): IoT-Based 3D Visualisation Platform for an Efficient Management of the Smart City Ecosystem, George Suciu, Lucian Necula, Teodora Ușurelu, Ioana Rogojanu, Maria-Cristina Dițu, Alexandru Vulpe, IEEE Thailand section [paper presented]
- CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference – RSEEC 2018 (4th edition): Energy Performance Analysis using EnergyPlus for an Office Building, G. SUCIU, M. C. DIȚU, I. ROGOJANU, T. UȘURELU, RSEEC proceedings [paper presented]
- International Symposium on Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 2018: IoT and energy efficiency in smart agriculture and telemetry using Adcon devices, ISI Web of Science,IEEE Xplore [paper presented]
- The Smart Cities Conference 6th Edition: CitiSim – IoT platform for monitoring and management of the city, George Suciu, Teodora Ușurelu, Diana Iosif, Ioana Rogojanu, Ruxandra Ioana Răducanu, Raluca Iosu, Felix Jesus Villanueva, Maria Jose Santofimia, David Villa. [paper presented]
- The 11th International Symposium On Advanced Topics In Electrical Engineering 2019: IoT and Cloud-Based Energy Monitoring and Simulation Platform, George Suciu, Lucian Necula, Raluca Iosu, Teodora Usurelu, Marian Ceaparu. [paper presented]
- The 15th edition of the research conference on constructions, economy of buildings, architecture, urban and territorial development 2019: The importance of Social Media in Smart Cities, George Suciu, Gabriela Bucur, Radu Conu. [paper presented]
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CCCDI – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P3-3.5-EUK-2016-0043 / ………….