The main idea of Toilet4me is simple but challenging: To proceed and explore a totally new way of offering a type of supportive toilet in places out-side the own home. Offering the support in places which older persons frequently visit or would like to visit (currently unable to do due to lack of suitable toilet facilities) will allow people to participate in society more, which will contribute to their independence and quality of life.
With a service which allows the user to always “take his/ her own preference settings with him/ her in the pocket”, a lot of new possibilities can be offered to several user groups. Toilet4me together with end users will elaborate the requirements for such service.
Toilet4me is based on the findings of the successful AAL project “iToilet”, which developed and field tested ICT enhanced motorised toilets, able to adapt themselves to the individual needs and preferences of the older person using the toilet.
Expected benefits:
– older persons (primary end users): direct benefit: improved body stability (adapting to optimal sitting height), supporting sitting-down and standing-up transition, improved safety. Indirect: motivation / empowerment to leave home and participate in social and active life (knowing that suitable toilets are provided)
– for secondary users (carers): reduced workload, less demanding
– for tertiary users (institutions, hotels, …): offering better service for community, enter important emerging market (accessible tourism)
Activity 1.1. – Designing the experimental model
The activity is intended to serve as guidance in the preparation of the project. An important role in describing the activity was a series of questions and questionnaires.
Activity 1.2. – Design, verification and experimentation of the prototype
Was followed the description and the realization of the experimental prototype that must be a smarter system from any point of view:
– to support people over 150 kg
– height adjustment for wheelchair users
Activity 1.3. – Presentation and demonstration of the functionality and utility of the solution
This activity aims to analyze possible offers for both project partners and future customers.
Following the identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats based on the project results can be concluded:
– the project has succeeded in clarifying that better toilet solutions for people with disabilities are needed, which can visit more frequently public places when adequate toilets are available;
– can be profitable for hotels, restaurants, making them more attractive to their customers;
– the market exists and it is possible to expand it.
Duration: 20 November 2018 – 19 April 2019
Call: AAL JP 2018, topic: “Smart Solutions for Ageing well”
– TU Wien, Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology (Co-ordinator), Austria
– CareCenter Software GmbH, Linz, Austria
– Resto VanHarte, The Netherlands
– Instituto Pedro Nunes, Portugal
– BEIA Consult International, Romania
– Caritas Diocesana de Coimbra, Portugal
– Sanimed bv, The Netherlands
– Ihcare Lda, Portugal