Drone for Smart Ports and Anchorages


The project aims to develop and deploy a product that consists of a UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) with VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) capability equipped with the appropriate sensors (electrochemical-hyperspectral-optical) used to inspect pollution sources (e.g. oil spills, emissions, waste) in a port and in a broader anchorage area. The UAS’s other tasks would be to monitor and detect various illegal activities (e.g. intruder’s detection, marine pollution crime), used for day and night security surveillance tasks, and deployed during emergency situations (e.g. accidents) providing real-time feed from the incident to the appropriate port or other authorities.

The materialization of this project will enhance the efficiency and competitiveness of the port operations by correlating with digital transition since we combine the technology of robotics and UAVs along with sensors and intercommunication systems. We aim to provide opportunities to enhance the competitiveness, efficiency and sustainability of medium to large size ports. We focus on monitoring and detecting ecological threats and pollution sources (for ports, harbour and anchorage areas) to push all the involved actors to reduce their impact on marine ecosystems and ultimately their ecological footprint. Lastly, we indirectly reduce waste which is one of the key aspects of circularity.

The provided product can be bought ready-to-fly or it can be offered as a service to clients or port management authorities embracing the digital transformation trends and willing to foster sustainability in their operations.

Project start date: 15 March 2024

Project duration: 30 months


Phase 1 – Analysis of the current state of knowledge and definition of requirements (15/03/2024 – 31/12/2024)

  • Activity 1.1: Analysis of the current state of knowledge in the field of UAV sensor solutions applicable to the monitoring of port areas and offshore platforms (correlated with T2.1) This activity involves presenting a brief description of the D4SPAs project, along with an analysis of current solutions used for sensor integration on UAVs in the context of monitoring port areas and offshore platforms. The current technologies employed in UAVs (such as high-resolution cameras, LIDAR, RADAR, multispectral sensors) are discussed, as well as methods for real-time data transmission and processing. Existing market solutions, recent advancements in the field, current limitations, and emerging trends in UAV systems designed for monitoring and security purposes are also examined.

  • Activity 1.2: Definition of functional and technical requirements (correlated with T2.2 and T2.3) In this activity, the functional and technical requirements for the UAV solution intended for port and offshore platform monitoring are identified. This includes defining performance parameters (e.g., flight autonomy, payload capacity, resistance to adverse weather conditions, and integration of advanced sensors such as LIDAR, RADAR, multispectral cameras). Communication and real-time data transmission requirements to command centers, as well as the power supply needs for UAVs and sensors, will also be specified. Additionally, interoperability conditions between UAVs and port or offshore infrastructure will be established, along with safety requirements to ensure the efficient and secure use of the solution.

Dissemination activities

  • Participation in Hannover Messe 2024 (22-26 Aprilie 2024)

https://beiaro.eu/participation-in-hannover-messe-2024/; https://x.com/beiaconsult/status/1778372809862914238

  • Participation Black Sea Defense & Aerospace (BSDA) 2024 (22-24 Mai 2024) ]n București, la Romaero – Complex Comercial Băneasa
  • ABSTRACT “Innovative UAV Solutions for Pollution Detection and Security Enhancement” accepted (article pending submission) at the 12th Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) under the theme “Resilient Communities Empowered by Collective Intelligence,” to be held December 4-6, 2024, in Bucharest at SNSPA University.

Phase 2 – System design, development, and integration (01/01/2025 – 31/12/2025)

Phase 3 – Solution testing and validation, coordination, communication, dissemination and exploitation (01/01/2026 – 15/09/2026)