Beia announces the new innovative project SICIAD
The project aims at implementing an intelligent system based on a performant integrated wired and wireless communication architecture. The secure access will be implemented for clear categories of users, with multiple access levels, as well as for guest-type users, with prior identification and session logging. The system will use locally-defined policies and a centralized redundant database, allowing remote authentication through eduroam technology, performed by the user’s distant institution of affiliation. The system will enable content-based traffic prioritization, in order to ensure the quality of service. The implemented management console will enable the dynamic display of information, either on ePaper devices connected to the infrastructure and without wired power supplies or on the users’ cell phones, using beacons based on the iBeacon technology. An internet calendar interface with email entry will be created, allowing the display of event schedule, as well as an electronic notice board for announcements, commercials, etc…
An application for the operation and monitoring of the system’s state parameters will be implemented, offering the ability to send generated alerts through technologies like e-mail, GSM SMS, ePaper displays in areas of interest, or iBeacon messages. Information and alerts will be generated using data from IoT devices working as sensors (temperature, CO2, smoke, gas), in order to facilitate the avoidance of problem areas and the guidance towards safe exits (including aid for the hearing impaired).
The infrastructure will be designed and implemented using the economic operator’s LANCOM ePaper and iBeacon, cloud and IoT, existing technologies, as well as generic open-source technologies available to the university. The economic operator will be able to implement the system in domains like universities, schools, conference halls, hospitals, etc..