Project Name: |
“Partnership development at European level, preparing of joint projects for the future Frame Program 7 of the EU and future international projects, acronym : PRO-EURO-TIC”. |
Project Type: |
Support project (Specific Support Action) for increasing the visibility of institutions and research programs. |
S/T Area: |
Information Technology and Communications |
Project purpose: |
To increase the international visibility of the members in the consortium and of the national research programs, to integrate the members of the consortium in the activities of European Technology Platforms, to elaborate and develop joint projects together with similar institutions in the countries of the European Union |
Project Objectives: |
Ob.1 Make use of the competences and existing research potential, preparing of joint projects. Ob. 2 Integration of the members in projects of the type ERA-Net, and also in European technology platforms. Ob. 3 Vast dissemination and promotion at European level of the project results and Romanian research potential specific for the S/T Area “information technology and communications”. |
Project Manager: |
Dr. Mat. Angela Ionita |
Duration: |
September 2005 – June 2007 |
Project Financing: |
is done by the Ministry of Education and Research, National Authority for Scientific Research ( through the National Program “Cercetare de Excelenta” (, module III “Projects for promoting the participation to European and international research programs”. |