Currently, First Responders coordination and decision-making during the rescue, firefighting or police operations are performed via radio/GSM channels with some support of video streaming. In unknown premises, officers have no global situational awareness on operation status, which reduces coordination efficiency and increases decision-making mistakes.
3DSafeguard proposes a solution enabling the situational awareness by introducing an integrated operation workflow, which deploys the following technological innovations:
(a) multi-modal heat, depth, toxicity, acoustic and video sensors mounted on acting officers or UAVs,
(b) sensor data fusion, resulting in reconstructed 3D map of unknown premises as actors propagate though and in tracking of the actor positions;
(c) situational analysis and decision support providing automated guidance and alerts to the officers,
and (d) multi-layered visualization of the sensors, analysis- and 3D-map data onto coordinator displays and onto HMD displays of acting officers.
In this workflow, data processing and transmission will be supported by a dynamic network and storage infrastructure. The solution will provide global situational awareness to both coordinators and actors, thereby increasing the efficiency of coordination, reducing mistakes in decision-making and diminishing risks of unexpected situations to appear.
This will result in faster operation progress, the decrease of human casualties and financial losses and, the most important, saved human lives in calamity situations. The project is supported by 14 end-users of various nature: public authorities; fire, police and rescue departments; public safety associations, and private security companies operating worldwide.
Financial contract Nr. 61 from 27/07/2017
Project ID: 14034
Deposit code: PN-III-P3.5-EUK-2016-0033
The total value of the budget: 2.099.130,00 Lei
The total value of the contract: 3.850.800,00 Lei
The total value of the co-founding: 1.751.670,00 Lei
The start date of the contract: 27/07/2017
The end date of the contract: 31/12/2019
Coordinator: BEIA Consult International
- BYS GRUP Bilişim Sistemleri Danişmanlik Ticaret ve Sanayi Ltd
- inosens
- Teknopar Industrial Automation
- TURKTRUST Bilgi Iletisim ve Bilisim Guvenligi Hizmetleri A.S.
Project Director (coordinator): George Suciu
Project financed by UEFISCDI through the European and International Cooperation Program
More information on the project website.
Project Phases and Activities
PHASE I – The specification of system requirements and architecture & Data acquisition solution development
A1.1 The current state of technology analysis and the specification of the working framework
A1.2 The specification of use-cases and requirements
A1.3 System architecture specification
A1.4 Sensors and platform selection
A1.5 Design and sensors description
A1.6 Platform design
In this phase, a marketing study was performed in order to determine what can be integrated into a smart and innovative warning platform. For example:
- Sensors mounted on a UAV or on the field officers and integration of the data from the sensors in a 3D map;
- Multi-layered vision of the data received from the sensors;
- Infrastructure identification of the dynamic network of the multi-UAV monitoring system;
- Features of several drones suitable to the monitoring platform;
- Features of the sensors which can be mounted on drones;
Phase 1 was completed on December 31st 2017.
PHASE II – The development of the model for 3D reconstruction and actors monitoring & System design
A2.1 3D Reconstruction using SLAM Techniques
A2.2 Actors localization and monitoring
A2.3 Multi-modal fusion of data received from the sensors
A2.4 System definition for guidance and decision support
A2.5 Automated analysis of the potential hazard events
A2.6 The identification of the changes and roles for actors in real time
Through this phase, technical specifications were presented, including:
- Software applications specialized in 3D maps generation;
- Localization and monitoring algorithms;
- Multi-modal fusion data from sensors;
- Methods to detect suspicious behavior;
- Analysis of the images from camera mounted on the UAV;
- Automated detection of several objects using 3D images derived from specific algorithms suitable for monitoring applications.
Phase 2 was completed on May 31st, 2018.
Phase 3 – The development of the multi-level visualization
A3.1 Multi-level visualization of large 3D data volumes
A3.2 The integration of visualization with communication technologies
Through this phase were presented:
– 3D representation of the environment;
– 3D geo-map;
– 3D user interface design;
– Head Mounted Display (HMD) equipment;
– Several networking technologies,
– Visualization of sensor data.
Phase 3 was completed on December 31st, 2018
Phase 4 – Construction of the infrastructure and the system for data communication
Phase 4 started on 01 January 2019 and will end on 31 May 2019.
Phase 5 – The prototype integration and validation
Phase 5 will start on 1 June 2019 and will end on 31 December 2019.
Phase 6 – Reporting of economic effects
Phase 6 will start on 1 January 2020 and will end on 31 December 2020.
Phase 7 – Reporting of economic effects
Phase 7 will start on 1 January 2021 and will end on 31 December 2021.
Phase 8 – Reporting of economic effects
Phase 8 will start on 1 January 2022 and will end on 31 December 2022.