ALADIN: Airports Landside and Air-land Side Attacks’ Detection and Prevention

The project will offer an optimally scalable solution that will integrate several security fields, tools, and services so that we will take into account all the requirements and limitations and adaptation of the ALADIN solution to different specific companies, air traffic administrations or other end users.

The ALADIN Platform will improve the Safety management functions of providing air navigation services that make sure that all safety risks will be identified, assessed and reduced to an acceptable level since, within the recent applications, there are not integrated Cyber Security tools for Airports Communications.

The motivation behind ALADIN project derives from the current political and economic situation: the attack occurred in USA 9/11, caused a significant number of changes to national and international aviation security regulations. Confidence in the sector dramatically affected the proclivity to travel, and the public is only recently returning to pre-9/11 numbers and the industry returning to profitability.

Project’s title:  Airports Landside and Air-land Side Attacks’ Detection and Prevention

Acronym: ALADIN

Financial contract Nr. 62 from 14/06/2017

Deposit code:PN-III-P3-3.5-EUK-2016-0038

The total value of the budget: 3.626.715,00  Lei

The total value of the contract: 2.088.071,00  Lei

The total value of the co-founding:  1.538.644,00 Lei

The start date of the contract: 14/06/2017

The end date of the contract:  31/12/2019

Contract duration: 31 months

Project’s duration: 67 months

Coordinator: (CO)CERTSIGN SA

Partner:BEIA Consult (Romania)

Project financed by UEFISCDI through the European and International Cooperation Program

Eureka project site

Project’s Phases and Activities

Phase 1 Risk methodology and user scenarios definition

A I.1 Airport cybernetic security system design: Risk analysis methodology at airport level

A I.2 Airport cybernetic security system design: Threats and cyber-attacks scenarios

A I.3 Airport cybernetic security system design: Risk assessment at airport level

A I.4 Business models and scenarios definition: Use Case 1: Cyber-attacks on the ground-based wireless communication system

A I.5 Business models and scenarios definition: Use Case 2: Protection mechanism of the computer system at airport level and cyber-attack simulation

A I.6 Business models and scenarios definition: Use Case 3: The human factor importance in the definition of the cyber and physical security scenarios at airport level

A I.7 Business models and scenarios definition: Use Case 4: Cyber-attack on the computer and control system at airport level

Phase 1 ended in December 29, 2017.

Phase 2 The definition of the user scenarios, trustworthy airport control systems and wireless airspace trust

A 2.1 Business models and scenarios definition (WP3): Scenario 4: SMART monitoring of critical security objects

A 2.2 Business models and scenarios definition (WP3): Use Case 5: Cyber-attack on the computer and control system at airport level

A 2.3 Business models and scenarios definition (WP3): Market and business models

A 2.4 Reliable wireless communications (WP5): Cyber security mechanisms in airspace for wireless communications

A 2.5 Reliable computer and control airport systems (WP5): Reliable airport control systems

Phase 2 ended on December 31st, 2018.

Phase 3 The definition of airport information systems and reliable wireless communications, the design of the cyber defense center and the development of the simulator

Phase 3 will end on December 31st, 2019.

Phase 4  Reporting of economic effects

Phase 3 will end on December 31st, 2020.

 Phase 5 Reporting of economic effects

Phase 3 will end on December 31st, 2021.

 Phase 6 Reporting of economic effects

Phase 3 will end on December 31st, 2022.


WorldCist2018: Cyber-Attacks – The Impact Over Airports Security and Prevention Modalities, George Suciu, Andrei Scheianu, Alexandru Vulpe, Ioana Petre, Victor Suciu – Articol indexat ISI, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS și DBLP