Speech2Process S2P

Speech2Process [S2P]

Financial contract Nr. 49E from  23/11/2015

Project ID: E!9870

The total value of the budget:  479.900,00   Lei

The total value of the contract:  745.849,00 Lei

The total value of the co-founding:  265.949,00 Lei

The start date of the contract: 23/11/2015

The end date of the contract: 20/11/2017

Coordinator: BEIA Consult International

Partner: International partners

Project Director (coordinator): Dr. Ing. George Suciu

Project Director (partner): George Suciu (george [at] beia [dot] ro, Peroni 16, Bucharest, Romania, Tel: +40374104901, Fax: +40213323006)

Project financed by UEFISCDI through the European and International Cooperation Program

More information on eurostars-eureka.eu and European project website

Smart, natural language semantic analyzer platform to process-oriented back-ends

We would like to replace the cumbersome and slow menu-driven front-ends of the back-end systems (e.g. EGOV call center, e-banking, info-center etc.) of different service providers (e.g. financial institution, retails, etc.).
In our solution, the client communicates with the system by natural language sentences, which will be automatically recognized and semantically analyzed, so the client can be connected directly to the right administrator, or the transactions can be automatically started.

In our experience, these front-ends today are often not effective because the client must know the service type classification of the given service provider. But if it is not the case, the client can be moving forward in the wrong direction. This can be eliminated by a smart, natural language analyzer system.
In that case, the client can tell his/her wishes with his/her own words: “I would like to extend my driving license”. Or: “I would like to wire 10.000 HUF to my gas supplier”.

In our opinion, this kind of front-end can significantly shorten customers’ waiting time, and this is also an interest of the service provider as well since so customers prefer to turn to this provider and not to the competition. So, we expect, the services providers will pay money for our solution. On the other side, users can start automatically transactions and this feature will help the “digitally illiterate” people.

To achieve the proposed objectives, the project activity is structured as it follows:

Phase I:  Market analysis for voice processing systems [23/11/2015 -31/12/2015]

  • Activity 1.1: Market analysis for intelligent front-end voice processing systems (correlated with T1.1 of the European project)  [Market research]

Phase II: Intelligent frontend system design [01/01/2016 – 15/06/2016]

  • Activity 2.1: The current state of the solutions and architectures for intelligent frontend systems (correlated with T1.1 of the European project) [Research report]
  • Activity 2.2: Specifying the functional requirements of the intelligent frontend system (correlated with T1.1 and T1.2 of the European project) [Technical specification]
  • Activity 2.3: Intelligent Front-End Architecture Design (correlated with T1.1 and T1.2 of the European project) [Technical specification]

Phase III: Semantic processing [16/06/2016 – 15/11/2016]

  • Activity 3.1: Specification of the knowledge base (correlated with T1.3 and T2.3 of the European project) [Technical specification]
  • Activity 3.2: Analysis of intelligent frontend security solutions (correlated with T1.4 of the European project) [Research report]
  • Activity 3.3: The design of the semantic subsystem (correlated with T3.1 so T3.2 of the European project) [Research report]

Phase IV: System development [16/11/2016 – 15/06/2017]

  • Activity 4.1: The design of the automatic speech recognition (ASR) system for Romanian language (correlated with T2.1, T2.2, T2.4, T2.5 of the European project) [Research report]
  • Activity 4.2: Development of the knowledge base subsystem (correlated with T4.1, T4.2 and T4.3 of the European project) [Data base]
  • Activity 4.3: Development of the generic semantic subsystem (correlated with T3.3 and T3.4 of the European project) à Prototype

Phase V: Implementation the prototype for a specific domain [16/06/2017 – 20/11/2017]

  • Activity 5.1: Implementation of domain-specific frontend functions (correlated with T5.1, T5.2, T5.3, T5.4, T5.5 and T6.1 of the European project) [Prototype]
  • Activity 5.2: Implementation of a domain-specific back-end simulator (correlated with T5.6 and T6.2 of the European project) [Prototype]
  • Activity 5.3: Prototype integration and testing (correlated with T6.3, T7.1 and T7.2 of the European project) [Testing report]
  • Activity 5.4: Dissemination of results (correlated with T8.1, T8.2 and T8.3 of the European project)[Dissemination report]

Phase VI: Reporting on economic effects  [Report on economic and financial activity] [21/11/2017 – 20/11/2018 ]

Phase VII: Reporting on economic effects   [Report on economic and financial activity] [21/11/2018 – 20/11/2019]

Phase VIII: Reporting on economic effects   [Report on economic and financial activity] [21/11/2019 – 20/11/2020]
