
“Telemonitoring System equipment, installations and facilities for the production of clean energy / TELE GREEN”Project co financed by the European Regional Development Fund 
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Full Title: “Telemonitoring System equipment, installations and facilities for the production of clean energy / TELE GREEN” co-financed by the European Regional Development Funding under the contract concluded with the National Authority for Scientific Research.
S/T Area: Social – economic and humanistic research.
Purpose:    BEIA will be able to deliver the key “new product” Telemonitoring System equipment, installations and facilities for the production of clean energy;
The project raises technical and technological enterprise;The project raises research and development and innovation in the enterprise;The project contributes to the development Telemonitoring systems by developing know-how’s of their customization for Telemonitoring equipment, installations and facilities to produce clean energy. Contribution is particularly relevant to regional and national level but also at international level;The project has economic value;The project has scientific value in the applied research.
Project objectives: Objective 1: New product: “Telemonitoring System equipment, installations and facilities to produce clean energy. Indicators of achievement: (i) pilot system is developed and tested, (ii) technical specifications of the product realization “Telemonitoring System” is defined, (iii) technical design of the product “Telemonitoring system is achieved, (iv) Organizational Process for introduction into production of “Telemonitoring System” is defined and implemented.Objective 2: conditions provided for the introduction into production Telemonitoring system. Indicators of achievement: these are tangible and intangible assets acquired and put to work: Notebook (2pcs), PC (1pc), Server (1pc), software applications development (SDK) (2 licenses), data acquisition modules (2pcs) Multifunctional communication boards (2pcs). Note: data acquisition modules and boards will use the multipurpose communication to achieve a test platform.
Project Manager: Marius ENACHE – Project Manager
Duration: January 2010 – June 2012
Project Financing: Sectoral Operational Program Increase Economic Competitiveness
Priority Axis 2 – Competitiveness through CDI
Operation 2.3.3: Promoting innovation in enterprises