Full Title: Development of S/T partnership and preparation of common projects in the field of „IP-Wireless-Telemetry” applications; acronim: „IP-Wireless-Telemetry”
Project Type: Support project (Specific Support Action) for increasing the visibility of institutions and research programmes.
S/T Area: ”Information Technology and Communications” and ”Space”
Purpose: To increase the international visibility of the consortium members and of the national research programmes, to integrate the consortium members in the activities of European Technology Platforms, to support and develop common projects with similar institutions from the countries of the European Union in the field of „IP-Wireless-Telemetry” applications.
Project objectives:
Ob.1- Emphasis of the competences and existing research potential, preparation of common projects.
Ob. 2- Integration of the members in ERA-Net projects, as well as in the European Technology Platforms.
Ob. 3- Extensive dissemination and promotion of the project’s results at national, European and international level.
Project Manager: Sorin Andrei
Romanian Space Agency (http://www.rosa.ro) – the coordinator
Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Romanian Academy (http://www.racai.ro)
BEIA Consult International (http://www.beia.ro)
Centre For Radiocommunication Services Ltd (http://www.csr.ro)
DELTA Info (http://www.deltainfo.ro)
Duration: February 2006 – July 2007
Project Financing: Ministry of Education and Research, National Authority for Scientific Research, (www.mct.ro) through the National Programme “Cercetare de Excelenta”-“Research of Excellence” (www.mct-excelenta.ro), module III ”Projects for promoting participation to the European and international research programmes”.