ProSe – Proximity Services Framework
Project objective: The goal of the ProSe project is the design of a software-intensive system to support the development, deployment and execution of proximity services, which are applications that allow users to interact with the surrounding IoT enabled environment intuitively. Proximity services are automatically deployed when the user is at a specific location. Services are implemented and executed on a generic proximity app without the need for an additional explicit download. Proximity services adapt their behaviour to the surrounding context and interact with the IoT devices in proximity.
Project partners:
- Abalia [Spain]
- Answare-Tech [Spain]
- General Technologies Consulting S.L. [Spain]
- ARDIC [Turkey]
- IBTECH [Turkey]
- BEIA Consult International [Romania]
- Czech Technical University in Prague [Czech Republic]
- Institute of Microelectronic Applications[Czech Republic]
- SENSZON [Denmark]
- WALSH Integrated [Canada]