Automatic Privacy Explorer suite

Project Start Date 01/06/2020
Project End Date (without economic effects
reports) 01/06/2023
Project Duration (in months) 36

Total number of partners 3
Number of partners from Romania 2
International Project Total Budget (EUR) 1.000.000,00

Since 2018, every organization concerned with European citizen personal data needs to create a GDPR registry. Listing all personal data managed every day by the company can be a simple task because procedures are well defined and documented, but it can be a real challenge to identify all other data that is seldom used and processed internally. All companies often have certain contact information or applications for Human Resources candidates, documents that include personal data received by email, contact details from meeting attendees, … the rundown can be exceptionally long. Gathering all these personal data, testing whether they have to appear in the GDPR registry or be removed is a huge test for companies. That’s where the Automatic Privacy Explorer will help. The objective of the APE project is to create, configure and send a software tool-suite to help a company’s Data Protection Officer to explore all their resources (documents, spreadsheets, emails, databases …) and recognize in all of them which data is personal and must be recorded in the GDPR registry. On the other hand, APE will have the option to synchronize a GDPR registry with genuine data sources of a company, assisting with staying up with the latest GDPR registry.