Objectives: The general objective of the project is to contribute to increasing the degree of use, quality and level of access of small and medium enterprises to information and communication technology, by achieving, within 35 months, in partnership with SC BEIA CONSULT INTERNATIONAL SRL, within an ICT cluster structure, of the SMARTSENSE technological framework, this being a set of innovative applications that uses innovative techniques of computerized visualization and audio-visual recognition for sustainable promotion and research in tourist areas.
The objective of this project is to define an innovative, scalable technological framework, consisting of a suite of software applications based on modern visualization and audio-visual recognition technologies, IoT components, data warehouses, data analysis algorithms and modern transmission technologies, in order to support and improve tourism and research activities in tourist areas and reservations. The technological framework will be customized for the Danube Delta biosphere, following that, after the project, there will be the possibility of adaptation for any tourist area or natural area. In this sense, a necessity analysis was performed to demonstrate the importance of implementing such technological solutions in the regions characterized by the multidimensionality of the constituent elements.
Project title: SMARTSENSE
SMIS: 128963
Financing contract: 53/221_ap2/06.07.2020
Period: 06.07.2020 – 05.07.2023
Duration: 36 months
A1.1. Project plan
A1.2. Human resources management plan
A1.2. Two individual employment contracts signed
A1.3. Financial-accounting documents related to the project
A1.3. Reporting documentation, including pre-financing requests, payment and reimbursement requests
A2.1. A project start announcement published
A2.2. An information panel mounted
A2.3. Set of stickers labels applied
A2.4. Three articles published in national specialized ITC publications
A2.4. Proof of participation of a team member in 2 national scientific conferences with ITC profile
A2.5. A published project completion announcement
A3.1. Financial-accounting, technical and supporting documents related to the acquisition of ICT equipment – ALTFACTOR
A3.2. Minutes of reception, installation and commissioning – ALTFACTOR applicant
A3.3. Financial-accounting, technical and supporting documents related to the acquisition of ICT equipment – BEIA
A3.4. Minutes of reception, installation and commissioning – partner BEIA CONSULT INTERNATIONAL
A3.5. Financial-accounting, technical and supporting documents related to the acquisition of the building
A3.5. Building reception report
A3.5. Clearance sale / purchase contract / space and related land
A3.6. Financial-accounting, technical and supporting documents related to the acquisition – innovation consultancy ALTFACTOR
A3.6. Analysis report on the competitive advantages and the potential for innovation of SMARTSENSE products / services
A3.7. Financial-accounting, technical and supporting documents related to the acquisition – BEIA innovation consultancy
A3.7. Analysis report on the implementation of consulting services in the field of innovation for the partner
A4.1. Research report on visual recognition technologies in the context of the SmartSense technology framework
A4.2. Report – Description of the tourist experiences that will be implemented in the SMARTSENSE technological framework
A4.3. Report 1- Establishing the physical elements from the Danube Delta used for the implementation of the previously established tourist experiences
A4.3. Report 2 – Analysis of two-dimensional modeling technologies that can be used in the context of the SmartSense technology framework
A4.4. Study on the current state of IoT technologies for monitoring environmental parameters and those used for sound recognition
A4.4. Report – Use cases for monitoring environmental parameters and sound recognition, in order to meet the specifications of the framework application
A4.5. Technological report on software solutions for data storage, management, analysis and visualization, used within the SMARTSENSE platform
A4.6. SMARTSENSE architecture specifications report, from a hardware and software perspective
A5.1. Software component prototype package according to SMARTSENSE framework specifications
A5.2. Set of graphic models usable in audio-visual recognition scenarios 2) Implement auxiliary markings
A5.3. Technological solution for air quality monitoring, from various sensors (simultaneous measurements of SO2, NOx, CO, O3, PM, meteorological parameters, etc.)
A5.3. Framework for aggregate collection, storage and processing of environmental quality monitoring data in Edge / Cloud technology. The platform will offer extensibility by adopting an architecture based on the micro-virtualization of collection and processing services.
A5.3. Real-time visualization component in Web technology and on mobile platforms of data collected by sensors and platform processing.
A5.3. Technical solution for monitoring and audio identification of sounds specific to the Danube Delta
A6.1. SMARTSENSE Framework.AlphaRelease
A6.2. SMARTSENSE Framework.BetaRelease
A7. SMARTSENSE Framework.FinalRelease
A8.1. Financial audit report
A8.2. Technical audit report
Activity 1. Project management
Activity 2. Information and advertising
Activity 3. Preparation and development of procedures for procurement of goods and services, selection of suppliers, including signing contracts and receiving
Activity 4. Industrial research
Activity 4.1. Research on the current state of computer visualization technologies and audio-visual recognition
Activity 4.2. Identifying the types of experiences specific to the Danube Delta area and defining the thematic areas
Activity 4.3. Identifying the physical elements in the Danube Delta space and establishing the optimal technologies for their modeling
Activity 4.4. Research on the current state of IoT technologies for monitoring environmental parameters and investigating the technologies used in the field of sound recognition
Activity 4.5. Research on the storage, management, analysis and visualization of data generated by the SMARTSENSE technological framework
Activity 4.6. Elaboration of the SMARTSENSE technological framework architecture from the perspective of hardware and software components
Activity 5. Experimental development of the technological framework
Activity 5.1. Development of prototype components of the technological framework in the context of a geographical space transposed on an interactive multilayer map
Activity 5.2. Implementation of digital models used in audio-visual recognition scenarios
Activity 5.3. Implementation of IoT components for monitoring environmental conditions and recognizing the specific sounds of the Danube Delta fauna
Activity 6. Process innovation
Activity 6.1. Development of the SMARTSENSE technological framework by aggregating software components and digital models
Activity 6.2. Simulation of the use of the technological framework in a case study
Activity 7. Implementation of the technological framework
Activity 8. Carrying out the procedures for selecting suppliers for the procurement of financial and technical audit services, signing procurement contracts, as well as preparing technical and financial audit reports
Visual Materials
Official website here.