EmoSpaces: Enhanced Affective Wellbeing based on Emotion Technologies for adapting IoT spaces
The EmoSpaces main innovative aspect lies in considering emotion and sentiments as a context source for improving intelligent services in IoT. In the eHealth, elderly and wellbeing, much research has been carried out on the impact of emotion on the development and course of different illnesses as well helping people cope with depression. Nevertheless, developing IoT services considering emotions is still an unexplored innovation. Regarding crisis management, it is widely recognized the importance of effective emotion management and the role of emotional intelligence. Our aim is to go a step further and advance in IoT automation based on effective and persuasive technology. The major expected technical outcomes in EmoSpaces are i) Technologies for Multimedia Affect recognition based on Sensing and Smart Devices and coaching; ii) Big Data Platform for Semantic Sensor Fusion; iii) Context-aware adaptation and Automation of IoT Environment, and iv) Social Simulation and Testing tool for developing cost-effective effective services.
As we move from www (static pages web) to web 2.0 (social networking web) and now to web 3.0 (ubiquitous computing web), there is a growing need for adapting sensor technologies to their users[1]. For the development of those human-centric services technologies, one of the most relevant aspects is human’s emotion. Nevertheless, there still a lack of pervasive environments that have been designed taking into account emotional behavior. EmoSpaces aims to bridge this gap and proposes the development of an IoT Platform that recognizes emotions, fuses data and user context and personalizes the user environment according to their context. A wide number of domains can benefit from the application of emotion aware technologies in IoT environments, such as Ageing, healthcare, Disaster Management or leisure and entertainment. As a matter of fact, the European society needs to prepare for the expected demographic shift changing the ratio of working people versus inactive people from 63% to 95%. Allowing people to live better and age independently as long as possible using IoT technologies is one solution targeted by the project. EmoSpaces aims at enhancing the daily life at home and providing contextual support for aging people and carers. This societal impact will benefit the public authorities by reducing the economic cost of this demographic shift. Indeed, total EU public spending on pensions, healthcare, long-term care, and education are expected to increase by around 20% between 2010 and 2060[2]. In addition, the project will address the application of these technologies to other markets, such as disaster management or leisure where emotions play a major role.
In the video shown below is presented a demo of Emospaces System in a Smart Office developed by Intelligent Systems Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, in the ITEA3 Project Emospaces.
[embedvideo type=”youtube” id=”EQ9KpLTW97g”]
Project websites: ITEA3, EmoSpaces
[1] Internet of Things (IoT): A vision, architectural elements, and future directions. J. Gubby et al., Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (2013) 1645-1660
[2] The 2012 Ageing Report; Economic and budgetary projections for the 27 EU Member States (2010-2060) [European Economy 2|2012 (provisional version).]