Contract number: Ctr. 64/2024

The total value of the budget: 1.250.500,00 RON

The total value of the contract:  1.000.000,00 RON

The total value of the co-founding:  250.500,00 RON

The start date of the contract: 31/03/2024

The end date of the contract: 31/05/2026

Project TOTAL  duration –  26 months


Project manager (coordinator): Eng. Gheorghe Suciu (, 16 Peroni St., Bucharest, Romania, Tel: +40744517799)

Project financed by UEFISCDI through the European and International Cooperation Program



Advanced Panel-Level Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance for Optimized Solar Plant Efficiency

Current solar power plants face challenges due to string-based monitoring systems, often overlooking critical panel-level defects. Existing monitoring methods limit precise defect identification, resulting in compromised data integrity and inefficient power output predictions. ZERODEFECT4PV offers a streamlined approach with prototype sensors, named Data Collection Units (DCUs), deployed on individual panels or clusters and linked via a mesh network for optimal panel-level monitoring. This master slave architecture ensures seamless data transfer to the Energy Operations Center (EOC) and other analytic and storage components. Features, including a mathematical “toolbox”, address data inconsistencies, promoting accurate forecasting. These innovations culminate in an assistant system designed to guide operators through large data volumes, offering actionable KPI-driven insights within the EOC environment.

Phases and activities:

Phase 1. Requirements definition and data acquisition infrastructure design(reporting date 31/12/2024)

The implementation of these activities aims to define the technical and functional requirements for the implementation of the hardware and software systems necessary for the initial pilot Beia building, together with the design of the sensor system and the communication network required for the development of the pilot solution at the national level within the ZERODEFECT4PV project.

Activity 1.1. Definition of technical and functional requirements(correlated with  T2.1, T2.2, T2.3, in the international project)

The results of this activity are represented by the description of the use case related to the initial pilot of the Beia building, the components necessary to implement the pilot solution, and the technical and functional requirements.

Activity 1.2.Sensor system and communication network design(correlated with T3.1, T3.2, T3.3, in the international project)

The definition and design of the sensor system architecture and communication network of the data through radio and MQTT, based on the SolarEdge photovoltaic system and the ADCON weather station, represent this activity’s results.

Architecture of the ZERODEFECT4PV project

Radio and MQTT data transmission system architecture


  • InnopRo – Innovation Pathways Romania 2024: Participation in the Innopro 2024 event from October 31 – November 1, 2024 was an excellent opportunity to disseminate the ZERODEFECT4PV project.

InnopRo – Innovation Pathways Romania 2024

  • GoTech World 2024: Participation in the GoTech World 2024 event from November 12-13 helped to promote and present the benefits of the ZERODEFECT4PV project to the broadest audience open to innovation. The event occurred on November 12-13, 2024, at Romexpo in Bucharest, Romania.

GoTech World 2024

Visual Materials