The eWALL project started November 01, 2013 and has a duration of 36 months. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 610658. The project period is November 01, 2013 – October 31, 2016.
Senior citizens may suffer from a number of diseases, including the decline in cardiopulmonary conditions, weaker muscle functions and a declined neuromuscular control of the movements, which result in a higher risk of fall and a higher vulnerability for cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. Mild dementia is another disease affecting this population, which requires either the institutionalization or the constant support from care-givers.
The eWALL project offers all the ICT technology needed to enable a number of services for the senior citizen to cover the major ontologies of Active and Healthy Ageing. eWALL will be an affordable, easy-to-install prefabricated wall that can be mounted on an existing wall.
The latest developments in the fields of sensor networks (both wired and wireless) and intelligent reasoning have allowed enhanced ADL support inside user’s home involving healthcare professionals, hospitals, end-user organizations, local councils and the families of the persons in need of ADL support.
The project will carry out high-risk and multi-disciplinary research and will have a large-scale demonstrator exercise for validating the concept with solid clinical evidence. This will include both technical-, user- and legal-evaluation, to measure with advanced tools and methodologies the impact on the QoL. The eWALL system will extend the state-of-the-art of Assistive Platforms and will significantly increase the independent living of seniors.
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest and Beia Consult International are collaborating on the development of the eWALL platform.