Full Title: | Integrated technology platform, in the field of „Networked and Electronic Media”, sustainable on long term and connected to the European Technology Platform „NEM”, acronym: “NEM_RO”. |
Project Type: | Specific Support Action |
S/T Area: | Information and Communications Technologies |
European Technology Platform: | Networked and Electronic Media |
Purpose: | Creating and organizing the Romanian Mirror Group for the European Technology Platform ”NEM” and developing partnerships inside the Romanian Mirror Group, as well as with the others members of the European Technology Platform ”NEM”. |
Project objectives: | The integrated technological platform, in the field of „Networked and Electronic Media”, sustainable on long term and connected to the NEM ETP. |
Project Manager: | Marius ENACHE marius.enache@nem-pt.ro |
Consortium: | BEIA Consult International (http://www.beia.ro) The Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest (http://www.ase.ro) The Romanian Academy Library (http://www.biblacad.ro) Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Romanian Academy ( (http://www.racai.ro) University “Politehnica” of Bucharest (http://www.upb.ro) |
Duration: | August 2006- December 2007 |
Project Financing: | Ministry of Education and Research, National Authority for Scientific Research, (www.mct.ro) through the National Programme “Cercetare de Excelenta” (www.mct-excelenta.ro), module III ” Projects for promoting participation to the European and international research programmes”. |