Project title
Communication center – benefits for all
Project Funding
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund
Name of the operational programme
Sectoral Operational Programme “Increase of Economic Competitiveness” Priority Axis 2 – Research, Technological Development and Innovation
General objective
The project objective is to produce a new product for marketing communications center.
The project result in the creation of 6 new jobs within the institution BEIA Cercetare.
Total value of the project is 1.001.986 RON, of which non-refundable financial assistance is 749.835 RON (non-refundable financial assistance from ERDF 622.363,05 RON, non-refundable financial assistance from National Budget 127.471,95 RON)
18 months
Project Director
Engineer Marius ENACHE
The project implementation team
Project management is provided by a team of 5 people, according to the table below:
Marius ENACHE – Project Manager
Bogdan NISTOR – Technical Responsible
Roxana ANASTASIU – Financial Responsible
George SUCIU – Acquisition Responsible
Mihaela PLECHI – Responsible for Information and Publicity, Responsible Quality Management
Project activities
The project will be presented as the activities will be implemented.
S.C. BEIA Cercetare SRL, based in Bucharest, Str. Peroni, No. 14 – 16, 1st Floor, room 3, District 4, postal code 041386, completed on 31.07.2014, project title: „Communication center – benefits for all”, project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, financing under contract no. 394 / 01.08.2012 concluded with the National Authority for Scientific .
Total value of the project was 1.001.986 RON, of which non-refundable financial assistance is 749.835 RON (non-refundable financial assistance from ERDF 622.363,05 RON, non-refundable financial assistance from National Budget 127.471,95 RON)
The project was implemented in the area of Bucharest for a period of 24 months.
As a result of the project implementation, it was developed a new product: „Communication center”, for production and marketing, for which it has applied to STATE OFFICE FOR INVENTIONS AND TRADEMARKS to protect industrial property rights.
The project was purchased a number of equipment 21 for project implementation and for entering into production of the product achieved. The project resulted in keeping the number of jobs in the enterprise and created of 6 new jobs.
The project has achieved its general objective, by marketing the new product “Communications Center” through the development of start-up innovation SC BEIA CERCETARE SRL.
The project “Communications Center”: Developing of a “cloud communication center” by integrating a call/contact center platform with unified communication technology, CRM system, “text-to-speech” and “automatic speech recognition” solutions in different languages (including Romanian).