Performance on the CSTI 2023 scientific conference

Presentation of our Museion project partner on the international professional conference

On the CSTI (Conservation Science, Technology and Industry) 2023 scientific conference in Bratislava Castle organized by the Slovak National Museum and the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava between 21.03.2023. and 23.03.2023 the Museion project was the first presentation in the event agenda.

Elena Badea, the founder and coordinator of the INCDTP-ICPI ARCH Lab, represented the project at the event, who is the professional manager of the implementation. In her presentation, she talked about the threats to the exhibits, their management, the related goals of the project, and presented the concept of the completed solution and its results so far in relation to the selected pilot location.

Program of the conference: CSTI 2023 Program konferencie.pdf

More info here.