Participation in Water resources and wetlands (WRW2023) Conference

BEIA participates in 6th International Hybrid Conference “Water resources and wetlands” on 13-17 September 2023 in Tulcea, Romania with a BLOW poster presentation.

The goal is to offer participants a meeting place where experience and knowledge can be shared and exchanged, whether they are researchers, private companies or government institutions (central or local), in order to come up with solutions for the issues facing each of these stakeholders.

Project BLOW aims at unlocking the Black Sea fLoating Offshore Wind potential, by demonstrating a disruptive cost-efficient floating integrative unit design optimised for low and medium wind speed areas. BLOW will implement a 5 MW demonstrator in the Black Sea and will pave the way to industrial mass production and to the deployment of floating offshore wind farms. In order to accelerate the energy transition in the region, the project will couple synergies with the Oil & Gas sector and foster societal acceptance and crossborder policy development. BLOW targets an expected LCOE of 87€/MWh by 2028 (and 50€/MWh beyond 2030) and an environmental impact reduced by 40%.

It was also a great opportunity to disseminate the Adriatic and iPremas projects during networking sessions.

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