Participation in Green Cities Forum – Forumul Orașelor Verzi (FOV)

Exciting News! BEIA is thrilled to announce our participation in the International Public Policy Conference, taking place from September 5th to 7th. This conference is the largest environmental event in Romania and serves as the flagship event of the Green Cities Forum, where mayors from cities across Romania and Europe come together to discuss and learn directly from experts about measures they can implement to make their cities more environmentally friendly.

The conference brings together national and international leaders in environmental public policy, representatives from cities in Romania and Europe, as well as private companies operating in the field of environmental sustainability. At the event will participate over 300 representatives from local and national authorities across Europe (mayors, county council presidents, parliamentarians, public administrators, local and county councilors, public officials), environmental NGOs, and business representatives to analyze the best practices in the field of environmental public policies.

During this event, BEIA is proud to disseminate information about the U-GARDEN and IPSUS projects, participating in a workshop focused on sustainable urban mobility.

Stay tuned for updates and insights from the conference!

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