Research on the development of advanced materials and multiscale optimization by integrating nano-structured materials into advanced MultiScale energy systems The aim of the project is to facilitate the access of a group of companies interested in the development of products and services with high added value through the transfer of knowledge from research activity, to … Read more


Smart health system based on artificial intelligence as a predictor for chronic kidney disease development Project acronym: ArtIPred Funding body: Ministery of Research and Innovation Romania CNCS –UEFISCDI Project code: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-5446 Contract number: 429PED/2020 Project Start date: 23 October 2020  Main objectives The scope of ArtIPred project is to design and validate a smart health system based on artificial intelligence … Read more


RO Obiectiv: Sprijinirea creșterii valoriiadăugate generate de sectorul TIC și a inovației în domeniu prin dezvoltareaclusterelor Atât la nivel național, cât și internațional, soluțiile găzduite local au fost adaptate în primul rând pentru a reduce costurile de operare. Prototipul rezultat va fi o soluție cloud care își propune să ofere o gamă largă de caracteristici … Read more


SMARTSENSE – TECHNOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE RESEARCH AND PROMOTION OF TOURIST AREAS USING INNOVATIVE TECHNIQUES OF COMPUTERIZED VISUALIZATION AND AUDIO-VISUAL RECOGNITION Objectives: The general objective of the project is to contribute to increasing the degree of use, quality and level of access of small and medium enterprises to information and communication technology, by achieving, within … Read more


Proiect co-finantat din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională prin Programul Operațional Competitivitate 2014 – 2020   Title: STUDIES, METHODS AND TESTS ON THE ASSURANCE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY REGARDING POWER, SIGNAL AND DATA CABLES, RELATED TO THE SHELDED ROOM ACRONYM – CEMES The project has the following objectives: Elaboration of studies and technical analysis on electromagnetic … Read more

SIMCA – Intelligent Hive Colony Monitoring System

Project code: PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2018-1562 Name: “Sistem inteligent de monitorizare a coloniilor de albine” Contract Number: 270CI ⁄ 2018 Bees is a key factor in agriculture, responsible for pollination of plants and forests. CCD (Colony collapse disorder) is a very serious problem, manifested by the decrease of the number of bees in the colony. Most of the … Read more


Beia Consult is happy to present a new project: SmartAgro (Telemetry System for Intelligent Agriculture) Today, more than ever, agriculture has to face difficult challenges. Being a traditional productive activity, it has gone through many technological transformations in order to increase productivity and quality. Agriculture needs to reconsider its role and adapt to a changing … Read more


Beia presents a new project: Tel-MONAER (Mobile System for Tele-Monitoring Air Quality) The goal of this project is to develop an IT system using the Internet of Things and Edge / Cloud Computing technologies to monitor and analyze in real time the risk factors for the environment and public health. Tel-MONAER will provide a mobile, extensible … Read more


Beia is happy to announce its new innovative project Tor-SIM: Integrated Software Platform for Mobile Malware Analysis. The main objective of the project is to develop a software platform that integrates, in a unitary manner, the malware analysis procedures for most of the existing mobile terminals, with the purpose of strengthening the security of mobile terminals … Read more


Beia’s new innovative project: Pass-IoT Pass-IoT: the projects main goal is to design and develop a test platform for integrating innovative security mechanisms and applications within the  IoT field. The platform will be scalable and modular, therefore allowing to refine and test different types of security algorithms and IoT applications.