We launch the invitation for BEIA’s Tech Week Meetup: Cloud communications and IoT on 20 May 16:00 EEST at Strada Peroni nr. 16 in Bucharest, Romania.
Uncover new solutions to solve old problems, push the envelope like never before and gain a competitive advantage by innovating in ways that capture the loyalty of today’s millennial-minded consumers.
Learn, share and connect with other professionals in the customer experience, omnichannel, self-service, contact center, workforce, cloud and IT.
We will present the latest developments in our IoT projects, environmental sensing, air quality monitoring solutions, and interesting cloud services.
Our speaker will be George Suciu, R&D and Innovation Manager and co-owner at BEIA Consult International, with an experience since 1991 in over 5000 projects. Post-doc Ph.D. researcher (big data, cloud, open source and IoT/M2M) at UPB. M.Sc. in Project Management at ASE.
More info.