Our company participates in a debate on air quality monitoring networks in Romania

Our company participates on 13th February 2020 in a debate on air quality monitoring networks in Romania at Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests in Bucharest. Air quality in urban agglomeration is a major challenge for most European countries, including Romania, so improving air quality remains a challenge. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), … Read more

Great workshop Establish

BEIA Consult held a Workshop Establish with participation of the romanian consortium team SIVECO. In this workshop were discussed Libelium solutions. #Greatworkshop @ESTABLISH_ITEA project held @beiaconsult with participation of the romanian consortium team @SIVECORomania @libelium #iot #smarthealth #sensors #health #software #solutions pic.twitter.com/MmMFfdHn6m — Beia Consult Int (@beiaconsult) July 23, 2019