Face-to-face meeting ESTABLISH in Bucharest

BEIA Consult International is hosting on November 12-13 the last face-to-face meeting before the final review with @ESTABLISH_ITEA partners in Bucharest. The objective of ESTABLISH is to convert environmental (sensor) data into actionable information for users to provide a healthier and safer environment thereby improving the quality of life. Smart adaptive services providing real-time feedback … Read more

Great workshop Establish

BEIA Consult held a Workshop Establish with participation of the romanian consortium team SIVECO. In this workshop were discussed Libelium solutions. #Greatworkshop @ESTABLISH_ITEA project held @beiaconsult with participation of the romanian consortium team @SIVECORomania @libelium #iot #smarthealth #sensors #health #software #solutions pic.twitter.com/MmMFfdHn6m — Beia Consult Int (@beiaconsult) July 23, 2019

Establish F2F meeting in Prague

BEIA Consult participated in Establish face-to-face meeting on 11-12 June 2019 in Prague. Agreed list of demonstrations for this review: Validation of sensor data Data sharing / management -> GUI Data visualization, EViF Evaluation of IAQ/OAQ devices Windows opener Data modeling Monile app for citizens Web app for the city authorities Self reporting app IoTLORAWAN … Read more