The article "An Algorithm to Improve Data Accuracy of PMs Concentration Measured with IoT Devices" has been published in ASTES Journal

BEIA Consult is happy to announce that the article “An Algorithm to Improve Data Accuracy of PMs Concentration Measured with IoT Devices” has been published in ASTES Journal. Abstract Air pollution is responsible for increased morbidity and mortality due to respiratory problems mainly caused by long term exposure. Although the emissions of principal air pollutants … Read more

Our company participates in a debate on air quality monitoring networks in Romania

Our company participates on 13th February 2020 in a debate on air quality monitoring networks in Romania at Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests in Bucharest. Air quality in urban agglomeration is a major challenge for most European countries, including Romania, so improving air quality remains a challenge. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), … Read more

Face-to-face meeting ESTABLISH in Bucharest

BEIA Consult International is hosting on November 12-13 the last face-to-face meeting before the final review with @ESTABLISH_ITEA partners in Bucharest. The objective of ESTABLISH is to convert environmental (sensor) data into actionable information for users to provide a healthier and safer environment thereby improving the quality of life. Smart adaptive services providing real-time feedback … Read more