Participation in INNOCOSNTRUCT 2023 How digital, How fast?

BEIA participated in “INNOCOSNTRUCT 2023 How digital, How fast?” on 18-19 May 2023 at Pullman Bucharest

The first day of the conference is dedicated to the presentation of smart technologies and solutions, representative case studies on the digitization of the industry, trends in the sector; the second day combines the round table debate on: digitization, the classification system, circular economy and the future of professions, with the practical part, where a Hackathon and a Match-Making event will take place in parallel.
• During the match-making event on the second day, participants have the opportunity to set up 1-to-1 meetings with representatives from companies of interest or public administration. Through a platform that facilitates 20-minute meeting sessions, a single participant can organize 10 meetings with important stakeholders in the AEC industry, as well as specialists or suppliers from related fields, during the day of May 19.

Agenda and speakers: