BEIA Consult attended the European Brokerage Event on Resilience from disaster workshop held in Paris, France on 24th October 2018. The Safecare project was presented during the networking session. The Security Research NCP Network (SEREN4) and the French Ministry of Interior, with the support of the European Commission held the event dedicated to the 2019 Horizon 2020 topics related to resilience from disaster:
– Human factors, and social, societal, and organisational aspects for disaster-resilient societies;
– Innovation for rapid and accurate pathogens detection;
– Pre-standardisation in crisis management (including natural hazard and CBRN-E emergencies);
– Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) cluster;
– Demonstration of novel concepts for the management of pandemic crises;
– Pan-European networks of practitioners and other actors in the field of security in two specific areas of specialisation: 1) the protection of public figures; 2) the handling of hybrid threats”.