In Romania, the 2nd edition of Data Science Summer School was organized by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies – the International Relations Office, the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, and the Faculty of Finance and Banking, together with renowned specialists from the USA, Norway, Spain and Austria.
This summer school familiarized students with relevant state of the art topics in data science. The program covered fundamentals of data science and focused on the following key data science topics:
– Data Analytics and statistics;
– Machine learning;
– Text processing;
– Data management and visualization.
The program had a combination of lecture-style talks introducing various data science paradigms and methods, hands-on sessions, finishing with student projects.
The summer school aimed to have a practical orientation, with Python and Jupyter Notebooks being used to exemplify many of the topics covered at the summer school.
More info.
Gathering massive knowledge during Data Science Summer School on #statistics for #DataScience. @beiaconsult #PAPUD_project #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #NeuralNetworks #TextProcessing #DataModelling #DataVisualisation #NLP. #Python code has the power!
— Cristiana Istrate (@CristianaI14) August 20, 2019