Beia has the pleasure to announce its participation in the Third International Workshop on Cyberinfrastructures for Natural Resources Management (CyRM-2017), held at the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania, 29th-31st May 2017. This edition of the CyRM-2017 workshop was organized in the framework of the H2020 Data4Water International Project (H2020-TWINN-2015, Project no. 690900;
CyRM 2017 was part of the CSCS21 conference. Beia participated with the presentation of the following papers: “Smart City Mobility Simulation and Monitoring Platform”, and “Unified Intelligent Water Management using Cyberinfrastructures based on Cloud Computing and IoT”, co-authored by Dr. Ing. George Suciu.
We attached a small gallery of pictures taken during the presentations, here.