On 25th of May 2023, BEIA Consult International organized the Launch Event of the BLUE-GREENWAY Living Lab in Romania. The event was hybrid and the agenda was full of interesting presentations.
The event took place also online: https://join.skype.com/OLaP5G3MZFvb
The Blue-Greenway Romanian Living Lab main purpose is to transferknowledge and technology about water bodies eutrophication within theDanube area, in the framework of the quadruple helix model based PPPP(Private Public People Partnership), to the four major actors of the Living Lab:Governmental Institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations, Academic Sectorand Private Sector.
The Blue-Greenway Romanian Living Lab will be instrumental for:
- creating a user-centred open innovation ecosystem based on systematic co-creation approach
- integrating research and innovation processes
- promoting and strengthening transnationalcooperation and networking amongst existing clusters/networks
- transfering the knowledge gained from the Blue-Greenway pilots to territorial stakeholders (SMEs, clusters, PAs, policy makers etc)
- raising awareness about eutrophication and anoxia management
- enhancing stakeholder cooperation and improving mutual knowledge and understanding of the Blue-Greenway project objectives