Beia is happy to announce its latest projects

Beia is happy to announce its latest projects:

  • SealGRID – the project goal is the development of a security platform tailored to the SG is required, that i) can efficiently manage the plethora of SG nodes, ii) deal with potential malicious hardware or software modifications due to the physical access of the customers to the SG nodes and iii) operate over heterogeneous systems. [more here]
  • 3DSafeguard –  proposes a solution enabling the situational awareness by introducing an integrated operation workflow, which deploys the several technological innovations. [more here]
  • ALADIN – The project will offer an optimally scalable solution that will integrate several security fields, tools, and services so that we will take into account all the requirements and limitations and adaptation of the ALADIN solution to different specific companies, air traffic administrations or other end users. [more here]
  • CitiSim – The general purpose of CitiSim is devoted to the design and implementation of a new generation platform for the Smart City ecosystem. [more here]
  • ODSI –  will deliver new security models with the properties and the benefits of both hardware and software approaches. These models deliver only certified and proved (CC) minimal properties for isolation, with the goal of being used in mass production (low-cost and constrained CPU) in all approaches that require context isolation. [more here]