Beia Consult International has participated between 4th and 6th June at the NICE EMEA Summit which has taken place in London, Stamford Bridge.
NICE Business Partners Summit EMEA 2018 event took place during two days and had a professional character, with a restricted access only for NICE partners. There were plenary exposures and workshops dedicated to NICE`s products belonging to Enterprise area. The presented products were:
– Nexidia Analitics
– Quality Center
– Work Force Management
– Compliance & Authentication
– Robotic Automation – Neva
The second event, unfolded during one day, was called NICE Interactions 2018 and it had a commercial and marketing character, being open to any interested participants in the area covered by the NICE products and commercial offer. The event has been structured on presentations (marketing shows) in plenary sessions and an exhibition which had dedicated stands for each product NICE. Specialized workshops, for certain products, have been also available. The main workshops were:
– NICE Satmetrix – Voice of the customers
– Engage and Contact Center Compliance
– Automation
– QM and Analistics
– Trading Floor & Compliance