BEIA Consult participates in Digital International Forum IV

BEIA Consult participates in Digital International Forum IV on 7 May 2019 in Bucharest, Romania. The event is held under the High Patronage of the President of Romania.

The Digital International Forum is the highest-level annual meeting of decision-makers and industry leaders in Romania. The forum is the place where top stakeholders set Romania’s digital agenda for the year to come, in consultation with European Commissioners, Heads of State, and Romania’s strategic partners.

“The Coalition for Industry 4.0 is an informal national advocacy structure promoting concrete measures in support of the accelerated digitalization of Romanian industry. The Coalition is a platform for dialogue and coordination between industry leaders, academia, and innovation producers, modeled on similar initiatives in EU member states. European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel was our guest for the first COalition meeting in March 2019. The second Coalition meeting will take place on May 8 2019 in Sibiu.”

More info.