T4ME2 provides supportive, autonomy promoting, smart toilet solutions for living-well. It addresses ageing people and persons of all ages with impairments/disabilities (as well as their (in)formal caregivers) and their needs when using a toilet outside home in public or semi-public environments (e.g. in community centres, town halls, shopping malls, museums, theatres, hotels, leisure and sports areas etc.).
Current assistive sanitary components for the private home area do not meet the usability requirements of public high frequency multi-user environments, are not seamlessly integrated and lack required robustness and design.
Availability of suitable toilets outside home will empower and support more persons to go outdoors and to actively participate in the society without need for personal support on the toilet. Additionally it will bring up new market areas with important customers, e.g. for hotels offering state-of-the-art accessible and adaptable hotel rooms as USP in accessible tourism. T4ME2 is also contributing to Smart City initiatives and age-friendly environments implementation.

PROJECT TITLE (Ro) – T4ME2 – Toaletă adaptată cerințelor utilizatorului
PROJECT TITLE (Eng) – Toilet for metoo, supporting active living in (semi-) public environments by suitabletoilets – T4ME2
Project ID: AAL-CP-AAL-2019-6-116-CP-T4ME2
Contract: no.160 /2020
Project parteners:
- TU Wien (Vienna Univ. of Technology), Austria
- CareCenter Software GmbH, Austria
- Stichting Gouden Dagen, Olanda
- Zorggroep Heilig Hart, Belgia
- Beia Consult International
- On Site Foundation, Polonia
- Sanmedi bv, Olanda
- Cogvis software & consulting GmbH, Austia
- Sanitronics International B.V., Olanda
The total value of the budget: 415.483,00 lei
The total value of the contract: 974.258,00 lei
The total value of the co-founding: 202.857,00 lei
The total value from the European Comision : 355.918,00 lei
The start date of the contract: 15/03/2020
The end date of the contract: 15/03/2023
Contract duration – 36 months
Coordinator: TU Wien (Vienna Univ. of Technology)
Project manager (coordinator): Paul Panek, TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology) Argentinierstrasse 8 / 193-05b A-1040 Vienna, Austria paul.panek@tuwien.ac.at
Project Director (BEIA): Dr. Eng. George Suciu (george@beia.ro, 16 Peroni St., Bucharest, Romania, Tel: +40374104901, Fax: +40213323006)
Project financed by UEFISCDI through AAL-CP
More information on http://toilet4me-project.eu/t4me2.html
EN Phases and activities:
Phase I – Defining the requirements and the architecture of the technical solution – December 2020
Act 1.1 – Definition of technical and functional requirements (correlated with T2.1, T2.2 and T2.3)
This activity described both the international and national legislative framework, the conditions for participation in the implementation of questionnaires for primary, secondary and tertiary users. The initial criteria underlying the questionnaires as well as the involvement of tertiary users were described.
Act 1.2 – Definition of architecture (correlated with T2.4)
Within the activity Defining the architecture, the statistics made on the basis of the data collected following the completion of the questionnaires were followed, both from the primary users and from the secondary users. Following these statistics, decisions are made regarding the architecture of the smart toilet and its design. The result of the answers is a starting point for the next steps.
At this stage – Defining the requirements and architecture of the technical solution – international and national legislation on human protection, data and a series of questions were asked for primary users who are elderly people with disabilities, but also for secondary users (people caring for the elderly or disabled).
Each section of the questions was presented in detail, and at the end a statistic was created resulting from the questions in the questionnaires in order to lay the foundations of the architecture of a smart toilet needed today.
The general architecture of user requirements is the starting point for the more laborious future stages, both technically and functionally. As a result, the mechanisms for developing the solution and the explicit operational arrangements for the demonstration were specified.
Phase II – Design and development of the air quality monitoring solution – delivery December 2021
Act 2.1 – Design and development of HW and SW modules of the air quality monitoring solution (correlated with T1.6)
Activity A2.1 presents the architecture of the IoT system for monitoring the dirt and air quality in the toilet, as well as the hardware and software solution developed. Therefore, the description of these monitoring parameters leads the project to the following services:
- Advanced dashboard to support decision making, where all useful information will be displayed in real time and which consists of business analysis based on maps, alarms, for example any water supply interruption or leak detection
- Real-time monitoring of the network for air quality, cleanliness, detection or prevention of dirt in the toilet. Generating a traceability report.
- Remote verification and control: analytical visualization of air pollution, monitoring of the environment, control of the level of cleanliness in the toilet, as well as other parameters according to customer needs: pressure, humidity, temperature
- Environmental impact assessment.
Act 2.2 – Development of interfaces and connectors; making the prototype (correlated with T1.7)
Activity 2.2 presented the graphical interfaces andconnectors used to develop the prototype. The MQTT protocol is used to performthe transmission of data from the sensors presented in activity A2.1 to theGrafana viewing platform through the broker implemented on one of BEIA’sservers. The data collected from the sensors is stored in the InfluxDBdatabase, as it is designed to manage events or measurements recorded over timeand optimized to assess changes over time. The visualization of the data isdone through the graphical interface provided by the Grafana platform. The datacan be viewed in various forms, graphs, tables, diagrams. This platform alsoallows you to set alerts that are triggered when certain conditions are met.The testing and functionality of the realized prototype are detailed in thelast chapter of this activity. The illustrated graphs show a monitoring reportover different time periods, in which the parameters collected from the sensorsare analyzed.
In Stage II, the design anddevelopment stage of the air quality monitoring solution, the architecture ofthe IoT system for air quality monitoring was described, as well as thehardware and software solution that was developed. All information on monitoringair quality, temperature, humidity and dirt is displayed in real time and atraceability report is generated. The data transmission from the sensors isdone using the MQTT protocol to the Grafana viewing platform. This platformalso allows you to set alerts that are triggered when certain conditions aremet. Grafana, is a famous open-source platform developed by Grafana Labsespecially as a solution for querying and graphing data. The applicationsupports data from various types of backend solutions and offers alertingpossibilities depending on the conditions set for the data series. The mostimportant original aspect of the system is that the user can determine and viewinteractively the appearance of a panel, with a friendly graphical interface.Also, any illustration produced within the Grafana system can be further editedand customized using a general purpose graphic editor. In addition totraditional graphs (bar graph, line graph), a series of diagrams based onmultidimensional visualization are available in Grafana. This system allows theuser to get exactly the desired result for any work or report. Due to the needfor alert capabilities, Grafana offers a wide range of alert channels,including Email, Telegram, and Slack. The collected data is stored in theInfluxDB database, designed to manage events or measurements recorded over timeand optimized for assessing changes over time. The general architecture fortransmitting data from the air quality monitoring unit and the toiletmaintenance monitoring unit is a Big Data-based architecture and includesserver-platform communication protocols: MQTT and HTTPS. Also, during thisstage, the testing and functionality of the realized prototype was detailed.The illustrated graphs show a monitoring report over different time periods, inwhich the parameters collected from the sensors are analyzed.
Dissemination activities
Papers and presentations
- ICEMES2021: 2021 16TH INTERNATIONALCONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING OF MODERN ELECTRIC SYSTEMS (EMES). During this conference, the articlewas presented: Indoor air quality monitoring for the improvement of the environment inSmart Toilets. Authors: Oana Orza, Filip Constantin, Alexandru Negoita,Sabina Cristina Bosoc, Cristina Balaceanu and George Suciu

Phase III: Design and development of the air quality monitoring solution 01/01/2022 – 30/12/2022
ACTIVITY 3.1 Defining the evaluation and recruitment methodology; defining the pilot solution
In this activity, an important role was the careful selection and recruitment of interview participants. Participants are primary, secondary and tertiary users. A series of testing activities were carried out, completing questionnaires at different centers involved in the project. Participants were informed about the study and their planned involvement in the study so that they could make an informed choice, and GDPR information has an important role for online data collection and how visitor information is processed.
ACTIVITY 3.2 – Testing and demonstrating the pilot solution in laboratory conditions
During lab testing with PT1, the focus was on deepening our understanding of the user perspective by presenting a prototype with various partially simulated interaction modes and inviting users to get hands-on experience for feedback, especially the new tilt feature. Findings and recommendations are complemented by applying knowledge from previous projects as well (eg iToilet) and using information from other activities to derive clear conclusions as a basis for PT2. A significant challenge lies in technology transfer to the area of semi-public applications. Unlike home use, where the toilet user knows everything and can choose his configuration, use in the semi-public environment brings a wide spectrum of different users, often unaware of the technical features that are offered by the new system. Because some user comments contradict the comments of other users, justified decisions in the form of well-balanced trade-offs are needed to satisfy user requirements.
ACTIVITY 3.3 – Validation in real operating conditions of the pilot solution
In this activity, the online operation of the prototype was presented, how it works with a certain height, with a certain inclination of the seat, the remote control, the fall sensors, the sensors for detecting the dirt in the bathroom. Then what happens in the event of a suspected failure of the integrated system that cannot be repaired, it is possible to return to the basic function of the lifting unit. All these tests, both online and physically, led to the creation of the final prototype, which incorporates all the functions necessary for the best possible connection.
In stage 3, the important stages that led to the configuration of the final prototype were followed. To begin with, testing of primary, secondary and tertiary users took place. The testing activities consisted of completing some questionnaires at different centers involved in the project. During laboratory testing, the focus is on presenting a prototype with various partially simulated modes of interaction. A significant challenge was the transfer of technology to the area of semi-public applications. Unlike home use, where the toilet user knows everything and can choose his configuration, use in the semi-public environment brings a wide spectrum of different users, often unaware of the technical features that are offered by the new system. Finally, following these tests, the online operation of the final prototype was presented, how it works with a certain height, with a certain inclination of the seat, the remote control, the fall sensors, the sensors for detecting the dirt in the bathroom. Then what happens in the event of a suspected failure of the integrated system that cannot be repaired, it is possible to return to the basic function of the lifting unit. All these tests, both online and physically, led to the creation of the final prototype, which incorporates all the functions necessary for the best possible connection.
Dissemination activities
Project webpage: http://www.beiaro.eu/toilet4me2/
● General page of the international project: http://toiletforme.com/
● Twitter page of the project:

Conference participation
● Participation in the DAIE conference: https://conferences.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/DAIE/DAIE2022. Article entitled: Unpleasant odor detection system in smart toilets, authors: Roxana Roscăneanu, Robert-Alexandru Streche, Filip-Emanuel Osiac, Cristina-Mihaela Bălăceanu, George Suciu
● UMF Bucharest Congress: https://www.congresumf.ro/informatii-utile-2022/. Article titled: Improving the environment inside public and semi-public Smart Toilets using IoT devices, Authors: Oana Orza, Cristina Sabina Bosoc, Filip Osiac, Cristina Mihaela Balaceanu, George Suciu
Phase IV: Evaluation, dissemination and market study and definition of market exploitation strategy – December 2023
Design and development of the air quality monitoring solution 01/01/2023 – 15/03/2023
ACTIVITY 4.1 Analysis of data and evaluation of results
Following the examination, the need for a modern toilet in public and semi-public areas is confirmed. Some users indicate that they currently refrain from activities outside the home due to the impossibility of freely using a public toilet and that they would go out more often if a Toilet4Me2 system was available in their city. However, prototype 2 of T4ME2 represents a new concept for all three user groups. The fact that new toilet functions need explanations or even actual training is a barrier for users and caregivers. Primary users have identified advantages and reasons to use the Toilet4Me2 system, one of which is the fact that the level of independence increases. However, there are also many barriers to not using the system such a system. An example of the barrier being represented by the fact that a detailed explanation of how to use the system is needed, requiring a lot of time to get used to its functions. In general, early adopters were willing to try the new features and see the benefits of the prototype. Secondary users (formal carers) were reluctant to the new technology, including because it cost them more time in the first place. There is a need to raise awareness about the possibilities of assisted toilets as people are not aware of the possibility of these modern functions. Over the course of the project, it appears that the interest and willingness of third-party stakeholders to purchase such a system has increased.
ACTIVITY 4.2 – Coordination, cooperation, and dissemination of results
In activity 4.2, the dissemination of the results obtained during the implementation of the Toilet4me2 project was presented, as well as the participation in the conferences corresponding to the project’s theme. The pandemic period caused by the spread of the new type of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) did not affect the dissemination of results at the national level, nor at the international level.
ACTIVITY 4.3 – Market study, definition of business models and protection of intellectual property rights
A centrally controlled toilet offering a lift for height and tilt adjustment, a shower-toilet, a safety module and an environmental sensor appeared to be a valuable combination. In addition to these necessary functions, the toilet had to have a beautiful (not medical) design, be robust and easy to understand. Throughout the project, the functionality of the toilet was highly appreciated by all three groups of users: Primary users, secondary users and tertiary users. However, the implementation of smart toilets in semi-public spaces only depends on the willingness to buy from the organizations that need to install the system, namely the tertiary users. This appears to be a challenge. Third-party users understand the value of a system like T4ME2 to end users, but generally don’t think their customers need such an advanced system. However, we believe that the market is not yet ready for this system. When the number of elderly people increases in a few years, the urgency of a system like T4ME2 will be clearer to them. To meet the challenge around exploiting the first market launch through several scenarios the most potential are: 1. Complete system 2. Core system: integrated combinations of existing products 3. Individual products and non-integrated combinations of existing products Multiple scenarios make it possible to easily satisfy different customer needs. The complete system can be sold, but also smaller versions. The last two scenarios fit the fact that customers are very curious about T4ME2 and interested in testing, and the individual products are already very new to them. This way more third-party users can be reached; successful experiences can be built and money can be earned to invest in the further development of the complete system. In terms of tertiary sector stakeholders, government institutions and care organizations appear to have the greatest potential in the initial market phase, followed by other semi-public venues such as gyms, shopping centers and restaurants/hotels in a more mature phase. However, this does not change the fact that they all almost unanimously consider “government funding” as a condition to buy the T4ME2 system. When funding becomes possible, this will accelerate the chances of the developed system spreading. The time to market for the three scenarios is different. Scenarios 2 and 3 can be exploited immediately, and scenario 3 is even already active. Scenario 2 can also be exploited very quickly, as existing technologies and knowledge can be used, and the combinations are quite simple. How long it takes to bring the complete system to market (scenario 1) depends entirely on the future manufacturer of the complete system. Firstly, it must be found, and secondly, the time required for further development is decisive and depends on the knowledge and strength of the manufacturer.
In stage 4, a product strategy was created to accelerate the market adoption of the T4ME2 solution, based on the exploitation plan that took into account the requirements of the partners in the project consortium, as well as the national and international dimensions of the sales market. The Intellectual Property Rights are based on a strategy which is an important part of the exploitation plan and which was discussed in the project meetings supported by the consortium partners. The internal results were analyzed with the aim of identifying innovative ideas and defining an individual strategy for positioning these ideas in the standardization and commercialization processes. The market adoption of the T4ME2 solution can be facilitated and promoted by the introduction of a plan for exploitation, dissemination and communication of project results together with a business plan. Also, through the T4ME2 solution, the complex measurement and evaluation mechanisms become incorporated in the procedure of making a system as reliable as possible for people with disabilities. The T4ME2 solution is a single product or service, but due to the flexibility and openness of the system it can be used in several areas. It is also a scalable solution useful in further research and development projects.
Dissemination activities
Project webpage: http://www.beiaro.eu/toilet4me2/
● General page of the international project: http://toiletforme.com/
● Twitter page of the project:

RO Etape si activitati:
ETAPA I – Definirea cerințelor și a arhitecturii soluției tehnice – predare decembrie 2020
Act 1.1 – Definirea cerințelor de ordin tehnic și funcțional (corelat cu T2.1, T2.2 și T2.3)
Act 1.2 – Definirea arhitecturii (corelat cu T2.4)
ETAPA II – Proiectarea și dezvoltarea soluției de monitorizare a calității aerului – predare decembrie 2021
Act 2.1 – Proiectarea și dezvoltarea modulelor HW și SW ale soluției de monitorizare a calității aerului (corelat cu T1.6)
Act 2.2 – Dezvoltare interfețe și conectori; realizarea prototipului (corelat cu T1.7)
ETAPA III: Implementarea, testarea și validarea soluției pilot – predare decembrie 2022
Act 3.1 – Definirea metodologiei de evaluare și recrutare; definirea soluției pilot (corelat cu T3.1)
Act 3.2 – Testarea și demonstrarea soluției pilot în condiții de laborator (corelat cu T3.2)
Act 3.3 – Validarea în condiții reale de funcționare a soluției pilot (corelat cu T3.3)
ETAPA IV: Evaluare, diseminare și studiul pieței și definirea strategiei de exploatare a pieței – predare decembrie 2023
Act 4.1 – Analiza datelor și evaluarea rezultatelor (corelat cu T3.4)
Act 4.2 – Coordonare, cooperare și diseminarea rezultatelor (corelat cu T4.1, T5.1 și T5.2)
Act 4.3- Studiul pieței, definirea modelelor de business și protejarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală(corelat cu T4.2 și T4.3)R
T4ME2 provides supportive, autonomy promoting, smart toilet solutions for living-well. It addresses ageing people and persons of all ages with impairments/disabilities (as well as their (in)formal caregivers) and their needs when using a toilet outside home in public or semi-public environments (e.g. in community centres, town halls, shopping malls, museums, theatres, hotels, leisure and sports areas etc.).
Current assistive sanitary components for the private home area do not meet the usability requirements of public high frequency multi-user environments, are not seamlessly integrated and lack required robustness and design.
Availability of suitable toilets outside home will empower and support more persons to go outdoors and to actively participate in the society without need for personal support on the toilet. Additionally it will bring up new market areas with important customers, e.g. for hotels offering state-of-the-art accessible and adaptable hotel rooms as USP in accessible tourism. T4ME2 is also contributing to Smart City initiatives and age-friendly environments implementation.
Abstract (Ro)
T4ME2 asigură soluții de toalete inteligente, care susțin și promovează autonomia pentru o viață mult mai bună. Se adresează persoanelor în vârstă și persoanelor de toate vârstele cu deficiențe / dizabilități (precum și îngrijitorilor lor formali) și nevoilor lor atunci când folosesc o toaletă în afara locuinței în medii publice sau semi-publice (de exemplu, în centre comunitare, primării, mall-uri, muzee, teatre, hoteluri, spații de agrement și sport etc.).
Componentele sanitare actuale de asistență pentru zona locuinței private, nu îndeplinesc cerințele de utilizare a mediilor publice cu utilizatori multipli de înaltă frecvență, nu sunt integrate perfect și nu necesită robustețe și design.
Disponibilitatea toaletelor adecvate în afara casei va împuternici și va sprijini mai multe persoane să iasă în aer liber și să participe activ la societate, fără a fi nevoie de personal de sprijin la toaletă. În plus, va creea noi zone de piață cu clienți importanți, de ex. pentru hotelurile care oferă camere de hotel accesibile și adaptabile de ultimă generație ca USP în turismul accesibil. T4ME2 contribuie, de asemenea, la inițiativele Smart City și la implementarea mediilor favorabile vârstei.
Obiectiv(ro) : Crearea unei soluții tehnice ce va sprijini persoanele in vârstă și pe cele cu dizabilități să iasă în aer liber și să participe activ la societate, fără a fi nevoie de asistență atunci când utilizează toaleta.
Objective(eng) : Creating a technical solution that will support the elderly and those with disabilities to go out and participate actively in society, without the need for assistance when using the toilet.
Results (eng) : The expected result consists inoffering the support in places which older persons frequently visit or wouldlike to visit and allow to people to participate in society more.
Rezultat estimat (ro) : Rezultatul constă în oferirea desprijin în locurile pe care persoanele în vârstă le vizitează frecvent saudoresc să le viziteze și să le permităoamenilor să participe mai mult la societate
Articles and publications
- Correlation between Androgen Receptor Expression and Immunohistochemistry Type as Prognistic Factors in a Cohort of Breast Cancer Patients: Result from a Single-Center, Cross Sectional Study, Under Review for publication in MDPI Journal Sensors
Authors: Irina Niță*,Cornelia Nițipir, Ștefania Andreea Toma, Alexandra Maria Limbău, Edvina Pîrvu, Ioana Anca Bădărău, Ioana Suciu, George Suciu
- Histological Aspects andQuantitative Assessment of Ki67 as Prognostic Factors in Breast CancerPatients: Result from a Single- Center, Cross Sectional Study, published in MDPI Journal Sensors,
Authors: Irina Niță, Cornelia Nițipir, Ștefania Andreea Toma, Alexandra Maria Limbău, Edvina Pîrvu, Ioana Anca Bădărău, Ioana Suciu, George Suciu
- Improvement of the quality of Smart Toilets; article accepted in SCIC 2020 Conference.
Authors: Cristina Balaceanu, George Suciu, Oana Orza , Sabina Bosoc
Project Website: https://agile.ro/t4me2/
Social Media
Check the Facebook page here.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation, CCCDI-UEFISCDI and of the AAL Programme with co-funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme project number AAL-C-AAL-2019-6-116-CP-T4ME2 within PNCDI III