Arrowhead Tools

The Arrowhead Tools project aims for digitalisation and automation solutions for the European industry, which will close the gaps that hinder the IT/OT integration by introducing new technologies in an open source platform for the design and run-time engineering of IoT and System of Systems.

To create digitalisation and automation solutions, Arrowhead Tools addresses engineering methodologies and suitable integrated tool chains with the global aim of substantially reducing the engineering costs for digitalisation/automation solutions. In support of this goal, Arrowhead Tools provides innovations on the following:

  • Engineering Procedure and Tools for Digitalisation Solutions in industry;
  • Training material: hardware, software, tools and application support;

These innovations are based on the following core project activities:

  • Consolidated and TRL 7 mature platform for interoperability and SoS integration:
  • Arrowhead Framework;
  • Engineering tool chain integration architecture and reference implementation;
  • Engineering procedure and supportive tools and tool chains;
  • Validation and veri_cation of such engineering procedure, tools and integrated tool chains in 25 commercially driven use cases covering applications in production, health, infrastructure, smart home and buildings, mobility and energy.

The deliveries provide the core components of the Arrowhead Tools innovations. These innovations are:

  • IoT interoperability;
  • SoS integration platform;
  • SoS engineering tools;
  • IoT Configuration and SoS Orchestration;
  • IoT and SoS engineering training.

This in support of the transition from the ISA-95 automation architecture to the RAMI4.0/IIRA paradigms for digitalisation and automation solutions, which will close technology and business gaps to render considerable impact regarding the following:

  • Reduced digitalisation investment cost;
  • Reduced time to operation of large digitalisation solutions;
  • Flexible, manageable and secure solutions;
  • Long-term availability of skilled labour;
  • European standardisation lead.

Project website.

WPs and Tasks

WP1.Requirements and state of the art

Task 1.1 Requirements

The task aims to explain how to proceed with the elicitation requirements for the integration of electronic design automation tools with product lifecycle tools regarding the engineering process analysis, baseline definition and baseline reference indicators.


Task 1.2 Use case base line

Within this activity we provide the engineering process analysis baseline definition, baseline reference indicators and training material.


The results of this WP1 consisted in analyzing the current engineering processes. They provided the baseline definition of the current engineering processes adopted in the use cases, the available tools, the level of integration of the toolchain, the current coverage of the engineering processes and the training material availability.  WP2.Digitalization engineering process.


Task 2.1 Automation engineering process, design and run time, and proposals for standardization

The task provides a consolidated engineering procedure that relies on Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) and can be implemented using the integration platform.

Subtask 2.1.2 Functional design

The subtask integrates electronic design automation tools for the product lifecycle tools and the interoperability between tools for cost-effective lithography process integration.

Subtask 2.1.3 Procurement and Engineering

The subtask defines the enhanced and flexible engineering process model, which will be adopted in the arrowhead Tools like the UC(use case) “SoS engineering of IoT edge devices.”


The results of this WP2 consist of the engineering tools developed for the costs reduction/improvements and the training material to be used for consolidating the T2.1. UC template.


WP3-Digitalisation Framework integration and interoperability

Task 3.2 SOA Framework platform extensions, design and implementation

This task was made the integration and consolidation of the Arrowhead digitalization platform to design and develop the core system and their related services to the Arrowhead Framework. Also, to support engineering toolchain integration and meet requirements provided by the use cases of Arrowhead Tools.


The results of this WP3 consisted of several experiments by installing Docker on several Virtual Machines (VM) to test the functionality of the Framework and provide a consolidated and matured automation/digitalization integration platform based on the Arrowhead Framework.

WP5-Digitalisation framework: integration and interoperability

Task 5.2 Design and implementation of new tools requested by use cases

This task was designed and implemented the tools for SoS(System of System) engineering of IoT edge devices to develop robust people detection and tracking capabilities.


The results of this WP5 consisted in transmitting air quality data from BEIA telemetry sensors to VITAL-IoT cloud from REPLY from different tools from the toolchain(e.g. communication devices(Pycom, RPI)), with the help of the MQTT clients connected to specific predefined topics

WP6- Training: HW/SW training and education project internal and external market

Task 6.2 Project internal training and support

In this task, the engineering procedure, technical components/products are produced in WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5. IoT/SoS engineering procedures are created in WP2, SOA framework platform in WP3, Toolchain architecture and components in WP4 and toolchain reference implementation and use case requested tool in WP5. The use cases WP7, WP8 and WP9, will verify and validate the value of the technical components/products.


The results of this WP6 consisted in developing toolchain support using engineering procedures, technical components/products used in WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5. Beia created the IoT/SoS engineering procedure and SOA framework platform in WP2 and WP3.


WP7- Use cases: reduction of solution engineering cost

Task 7.2 SoS engineering of IoT edge devices

Subtask 7.2.1 Smart City

In this subtask was developed the demonstrator for the use case “SoS engineering of IoT edge devices for Smart city” for monitoring the environment pollution.


The results of the WP7 consisted of the Smart City Deployment platform focusing on monitoring the environmental pollution at the street level and providing data and security interoperability solutions across the integration platforms adopted in the above-mentioned use case within the Arrowhead Framework with the scope of reducing the engineering costs.


WP8 – Use cases: data exchange between IoT/SoS and legacy engineering tools

Task 8.10  SoS engineering of IoT edge devices – service integration, data fusion and orchestration functions

This task aims to fulfil several objectives, such as the development of the service layers, including service integration, service interoperability, business logic and service management & orchestration.

Subtask 8.10.1 Smart City

In this subtask, we focused on the Smart City Deployment platform, which consists of the software modules enabling interoperability of IoT sensors of environmental pollution.


The results of the WP8 aimed to develop reference design patterns of user-oriented services for smart city and energy, targeting the easiness of secure software service deployment (customization, activation, execution, monitoring, and orchestration) over IoT Edge/Cloud distributed platforms.


WP9 –  Use cases: interoperability across secure SMART Industrial Applications

Task 9.7 -SoS engineering of IoT

This task is designed and developed the interoperability related to the use case” SoS engineering of the IoT edge devices”.

Subtask 9.7.1 Smart City

The main focus of the subtask represents the monitoring of the environmental pollution at the street level by designing and developing the IoT oriented interoperability solutions that will ensure a secure, easy and seamless integration between the platforms adopted in the Smart City system of systems and on platforms support in the Arrowhead Framework for the engineering process automation.


The results of the WP9 will consist of the integration of BEIA IoT devices in the AHTOOLS architecture, and a Node-RED application has been created that realizes several data acquisition flows specific to each device.

The architecture implemented by BEIA and the tool of Vital IoT is connected to the Arrowhead Tools.

The implemented solution (see above Figure) is used to reduce engineering costs by using the Arrowhead Tools to develop the interaction between the producers and the consumers of IoT data.


WP10 – Standardization

Task 10.2 Reference model and methodology standards

In this task are monitored reference models which are suitable for the Arrowhead Framework, such as ISA-95, RAMI4.0 and ISO 10303, and suggestions for methodology and will make focused contributions to existing and emerging standards.


The results of WP10 consists in analyzing standards related to different domains such as factory automation, product and tool data, software modelling and programming, software platforms, IoT, qualification/certification, security, etc., in increasing the company’s competence and also to apply them in AH Tools project.

Examples of identified standards to be used within the project:

WP11 – Dissemination

Task 11.1 Exploitation

The Arrowhead Tools Project exploitation activities aim at ensuring a structured approach to exploit the project results within the consortium.

Task 11.2 Dissemination and Communication Activities

Dissemination of business, technology and training results will be performed through an active participation in:

  • Fairs
  • Business and technology conferences and workshop participation
  • Publication

Task 11.3 Dissemination Tools and Materials

The objective is to generate society, business and technology awareness, supporting the rapid further exploitation of solutions demonstrated by Arrowhead Tools.

Task 11.4 Web,Twitter,Yotube

Arrowhead Tools will make use of the existing Arrowhead. eu website. Here Arrowhead Tools will now be the primary supplier of content. The intention of the website is to support both external dissemination, interaction among project partners, and internal knowledge sharing. This website is intended to be the main communication point to access information and news about Arrowhead Tools.

The web will be paralleled by Twitter and YouTube dissemination. ResearchGate and LinkedIn will also be used.


The results of WP11 consisted in participating in several fairs SCEWC( Smart City Expo World Congress) 2021 on 16-18 November 2021 and GotechWorld2021.Active on social media like Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter.